Monday 24 February 2014

Stakeholders applaud creative industry initiatives

A participant in the last capacity building workshop for Nigerian creative industry Mr Ikem Arems has commended the organizers for updating Nigerians in the industry. He made the commendation yesterday in Abuja during interviews with journalists.  He urged film producers in the country to demonstrate resilience in their efforts to promote the creative industry. 
The interview was aftermath of a capacity building workshop, organized by the corporation last year to explore the benefits of the event to enhance film production in the country. He said that the five-day workshop, tagged ``SHOOT”, would provide the basis for world class standard in digital film production.
The 2013 edition of SHOOT, which took place in October 28 at the National Film Institute Jos was designed to grow indigenous participation in the industry. An array of international resource persons used  to train the participants brought quality components of high definition film and television production.
It also stressed that the choice of   Plateau as a venue for the programme was because of the infrastructure in the state, adding that it was critical to the development of both the film and tourism industry.
The resource persons available for the workshops were: James Castello for advanced digital cinematography; Dennis Mercier for advanced digital sound production and Eyal Shaphyr for high definition production management for film and television.

Others are George Bartsch for digital editing for film and television, Philip Hoffmann for modern distribution and marketing strategies of film and Sylvie Bringas for contemporary animation for film and television.  It is believed that Nigerian creative industry has the potentials to contribute significantly to the gross domestic growth if well harnessed. 

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