Saturday 15 February 2014

Benue assembly gets new minority leader

The Benue House of Assembly on Wednesday got a new Minority Leader, Mr Benjamin Adanyi, representing Makurdi South constituency on the platform of All Progressives Congress. Adanyi was before his elevation the Chairman, Committee on Culture and Tourism. The Speaker, Mr Terhile Ayua, stated that Adanyi’s elevation became possible due to the vacuum created by a Supreme Court’s ruling. However, Mr Ianna Jato, (Katsina-Ala East), objected to the method used in Adanyi’s appointment, saying it breached the House’s Standing Rules. He said according to Order six of the Standing Rules, it is the duty of members to elect or choose their leaders. Responding, the Minority Whip, Mr Terkimbi Ikyange, appealed to his colleagues to accept Adanyi’s appointment irrespective of the fact that the letter did not capture the views of APC members as was resolved in one of their meetings. Ikyange pointed out that they had met and decided to elect Adanyi as their minority leader and they communicated their decision to the party. ”It was a unanimous decision that was taken by all members of the party in the assembly; it is not the decision of the party. ”Though the process is faulty, it should be viewed as our collective decision,” he said. The former minority leader, Mr Adugu Gbileve, was on January 31 ordered by the Supreme Court to vacate his position.

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