Wednesday 10 December 2014

We won’t abandon Chibok girls – FG

Director-General, National Orientation Agency, NOA, Mike Omeri has said that the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan would not abandon the students of Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok, abducted by insurgents for over 300 days now.
Mr. Omeri stated this in Bauchi during the re-orientation of students at Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic, Bauchi, yesterday, where he said the federal government was committed to deploying all assets and resources available within its disposal towards rescuing the girls.
He said NOA had provided strategic communications in the fight against insurgency and terrorism in the country, adding that the country is changing in both national and international media and the citizens are being mobilised to encourage and support the security forces for the war that must be won.
He explained that “Do the right Thing” programme is targeted at Nigerian youths in tertiary institutions of learning with the aim of imparting positive attitudes that would ensure the full development of their potentials as well as encouraging them to conform to those desirable values necessary for national development.
The NOA director general stated that since the commencement of the programme in November 2012 at the University of Calabar, the agency had been committed in taking the programme to more than 20 higher institutions of learning in different geo-political zones of the country.
Earlier speaking, the acting director of NOA in Bauchi State, Mrs. Theresa Omaga said Nigerian youths should no more be used as political thugs or engage in cultism, drug abuse, indecent dressing, examination malpractices and many other social vices; rather they should rise up to take their rightful place and join hands to build the nation.

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