Wednesday 24 December 2014


  • Says APC, PDP dominated by Christians
  • Cautions against violence in 2015 elections

Renowned Islamic cleric, Sheikh Ahmad Gumi, has alleged threats to his life and family by supporters of All Progressives Congress, APC presidential candidate, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, for daring to criticise him. 
The Kaduna-based scholar, who spoke on burning national issues, said although the 2015 general elections was not a religious struggle, the APC and the ruling People’s Democratic Party, PDP were dominated by Christians.
Sheikh Gumi warned both Christians and Muslims not to resort to violence during and after the 2015 general elections and expressed faith in the ability and willingness of God to bring the country out of the polls stronger and more united.
In a Facebook post yesterday, which he titled: “PDP vs APC: It’s not about religion,” Sheikh Gumi said his children had received several threat calls from Buhari’s supporters who use unknown telephone numbers to call them.
According to him, “People like me who had all along been critical about the government can longer speak or express personal opinion if it is not in support of Gen. Buhari. Just this morning around 2.30am (yesterday) my three male children individually got threatening phone calls from a private number. People can vote for whoever they choose whether a Christian or a Muslim.”
Last October, Gumi had in a separate Facebook posts appealed to both President Goodluck Jonathan and Gen. Buhari not to contest the 2015 presidential election to avoid throwing the country into avoidable crisis.
He had also faulted the choice of a lawyer and pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, Prof Yemi Osinbajo as Buhari’s running mate.
On the 2015 elections, Gumi, in the latest Facebook post, said: “Surely there is religion in politics and politics in religion. However, the 2015 elections is between PDP vs APC and is not about religion. It’s a time bomb and God is not the author of mischief. Security members have clamped down on APC members and taken away their computers, while some irate youths are threatening the lives of PDP members with their families in the North. PDP posters are vandalised in some places.
“People like me who had been all along critical about the government dare speak or express my own personal opinion if it’s not in support of Gen. Buhari. They assume one must have been bribed or is a PDP agent”, he lamented.
He said that those who sent threatening phone calls from private numbers to his three sons were Hausa speakers, adding that, “already a ‘cult’ is being formed.”
Sheikh Gumi noted that such actions were harbingers of what would happen when one of the contestants is declared loser. 
He expressed fears that with intimidation from both sides, a truly free and fair election would be an illusion, stressing that, “Yet it’s the only one eye we have so we have to do with the cake half-baked.
“What is now paramount and of highest priority is peace and stability. Every life must be protected; minorities- Muslims and Christians- should be secured also, without putting an extra burden on the already exhausted military and police.
“It’s good that both presidential candidates of the PDP and APC have re-emphasised that the 2015 presidential contest is not a religious one. The two parties have also reiterated the same. Therefore, the 2015 elections is not a Crusade vs Jihad and consequently there is no martyrdom. The only ethical obligation on the clergy of both religions, Christians and Muslims, is to explain it to their congregations to avoid violence.
“Nigeria doesn’t need another religiously tainted war. The Boko Haram has already tormented all, he said, adding that the “APC was ‘demonised’ by elements in PDP as a ‘Janjaweed’ party to the extent that they were pushed to take a pastor instead of a nominal Christian as their vice presidential candidate. This in turn has nationally brought another dangerous innovation and dimension into the dirty game of power struggle.
“Now men of religion will surely be messed up and ‘dirtied’. Next as Muslims become sensitised too, a Sheikh will soon be on the list and a U-turn to another religious conflict - interfaith and extra-faith will ensue. Thanks to the recklessness of both parties that have proven no matter what they claim; are still self-centered and egocentric.”
He continued: “The choice of a pastor to deputise for Gen. Buhari is meant to shake to the core the Christians who were made to see the candidate as a religious fanatic and also the Muslims alike who saw the General as having some Islamic aura. It should then effectively neutralise the ‘demonisation’ of PDP as a Christian party. It’s now the Church, not just Christians that have a foot engrossed in APC. A privilege the Muslim cannot be said to enjoy in any of the two parties.
“Therefore, both parties are a group of Nigerian Muslims and Christian’s joined together for a common goal. Each with its winning slogan and strategy! Each can only promote his/her religion on personal basis but the union is purely secular and worldly. The essence of our democratic union,” Gumi said.
He appealed to Nigerians not to demonise any Muslim or Christian for joining any of the parties. Gumi charged Muslims and Christians to freely choose which party they like without any compromise on their religious obligations, asserting that,” It’s a matter of mundane desires and preferences. No party is holy or is holding brief for the Almighty God.”
“Therefore, you as a voter, take all precautionary steps, legal and practical, to vote and protect your rights. But never resort to violence. As for Islam which I speak for, since there are Muslims on both sides, any Muslim who will kill or die fighting another Muslim will be condemned to hell for eternity. Likewise, whoever that will also kill another non-Muslim Nigerian because of the constitutional treaty of peaceful coexistence among Nigerians will not smell the fragrance of paradise.”
Gumi lamented that Nigeria’s democracy had been unconstitutionally raped repeatedly by the military might and polls rigging, “yet your civility, patience and prayers had always been our only remedy and the strength of our unity. Therefore, don’t kill or expose yourself to political violence for naught. This world is going to end. And the day you die, you will only be judged by divine ruling not by the Nigerian Supreme Court decisions.
“Whoever calls you out to violence; ask him to show up himself and his children first. This way we can altogether avoid post-election violence, chaos and anarchy,” he stated.

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