Saturday 20 December 2014

Plot to attack worship centres, others at Yuletide uncovered

Federal Government yesterday alerted Nigerians of plots by insurgents to attack churches, mosques and other public places during the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

It therefore appealed to citizens to be security conscious and cooperate with security operatives to make the Yuletide period safe for them.

Coordinator of the National Information Centre, NIC, Mr. Mike Omeri, revealed the insurgents’ plots in Abuja yesterday at the weekly security press briefing.

Omeri said: “As year 2014 gradually comes to an end, Nigerians have been warned to be very security conscious, especially during the end of the year festivities. Already, security agencies have been intimated of plans by insurgents to carry out major attacks against soft targets. These soft targets include motor parks, churches, schools, mosques, recreational centres such as amusement parks and viewing centres.”

He said the aim of the terrorists is to exploit the festive period with the attendant mass gatherings for religious programmes, school end-of-year parties and family picnics to cause large-scale destruction of lives and property.

“Consequently, security agencies have been directed to beef up surveillance in such locations around the country. Citizens will have also noticed the increased presence of policemen deployed in various locations for their safety. They are therefore advised to exercise a high level of vigilance and cooperate with security agencies in a bid to ensure a hitch-free yuletide.”

On the rescue of Chibok schoolgirls after six months of their abduction by Boko Haram terrorists, Omeri said the government was relentless in its commitment to the search and rescue of the girls and all persons in one form of captivity or the other.

He said: “In this regard, the government has not given up and will not give up in the search and rescue effort as can be evidenced in the ongoing arrest and investigation of all leads and trials. In addition, the government wishes to reassure Nigerians of its resolve to adequately protect all citizens in the face of the current security challenges and, therefore, will spare no action in ensuring the amelioration of the current situation, including the provision of relief materials for internally displaced persons.”

Omeri, who is also Director-General of National Orientation Agency, NOA, admitted that it is difficult to rescue the Chibok girls due to the fact that the military troops are conscious of casualties that may be recorded during offensive attacks on the insurgents.

“Our desire is to rescue these girls alive. Don’t forget that you are meeting people who are not reasonable. People who are committed to dying, they are not guided by any laws or rules of engagement. These are the challenges that we are facing but we will not giving up until we cannot search anymore” Omeri said.

The centre also said the seven fake Boko Haram negotiators paraded before journalists on Tuesday by the Department of State Service, DSS, and who were working with self-styled negotiator and Australian national, Steven Davis, were the brains behind several of the video clips being circulated by mischievous persons on the current condition in the country.

“It is also evident that the recent actions and comments of some highly placed Nigerians are founded on the activities of these mischievous persons who are part of a well orchestrated plan to spread falsehood, undermine and discredit government’s efforts at ending terrorism and also instill fear in the populace,” he said.

Spokeswoman of the DSS, Ms. Marilyn Ogar, denied torturing of any of the seven suspects, who confessed to spreading falsehood and indicting ex-Borno State governor, Ali Modu Sheriff and former Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Azubuike Ihejirika as sponsors of Boko Haram.

“None of the suspects was tortured as it was evidenced when you interacted with them. You did not see any of them with brushes and wounds to indicate torture. Nigerian security forces don’t use inhuman treatment to get information.”

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