Tuesday 13 May 2014

Don Hampers On Credible Election In 2015

Femi Odekunle, a Professor of Criminology, on May 12, 2014, Monday, said Nigeria might experience widespread public disorder, chaos or a semblance of undeclared civil war if the 2015 general polls lacks credibility and acceptability among the citizens


The university don, who was a guest lecturer at the ‘2014 Feast of Barracuda’ of the National Association of Seadogs (Pirates Confraternity) Enugu Zone, identified lack of leadership ethos by the irresponsible political class as the major threats to the 2015 elections.

According to him, after taking a critical look at the possible scenarios of the 2015 election from the most optimistic to the most pessimistic position, he lamented corruption before, during and after elections, partisanship of operatives of the electoral body, as elections do not hold at times in some areas.

Odekunle, however, expressed optimism in a situation where elections would be conducted without violence and rigging, saying such an election would qualify as credible and acceptable one.

"There is also a possibility where elections hold but excludes the North Eastern states and therefore considered inconclusive but situation saved by some contraption designed by the so called elder statesmen" he said.

He said that the most critical situation would be where elections hold but are actually or allegedly massively rigged resulting in post election violence on a scale that makes the 2011 violence a child’s play, or resulting in blockage, or sabotage of oil and gas facilities leading to widespread disorder or even a semblance of war.

The don, who spoke on the topic ‘Security and Political Temperature of Nigeria: Implications for 2015 General Elections called for a committed presidential leadership with the political will to do what is right and for deliberate re-education of the political class, INEC, the police and other security agents on the importance of free, fair and credible elections to the survival of the polity.
READ MORE: http://news.naij.com/66196.html

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