Monday 27 January 2014


By Andrea  Okoye

Anambra State is created from the old Anambra, along with eight other states, also called Light of the Nation, endowed with cultural and tourism potentials. Most of the Anambra Tourist centres includes Ogbunike cake, Agulu Lake, Rojenny Tourists/Game village and Igbo ukwu museum.
Anambra possesses a history that stretches back to the 9th century AD, as revealed by archaeological excavations at oraukw and Ezira; Great works of art in iron, bronze, copper, and pottery works belonging to the ancient Kingdom of Nri, revealed a sophisticated divine Kingship administrative system which held sway in the area of Anambra from c. 948 AD to 1911.

During the Nigerian/Biafran war, a relief airstrip was constructed by Biafran Engineers in the town of Uli/Amorka (code named "Annabelle"). Extremely dangerous relief flights took off from Sao Tome and other sites loaded with tons of food and medicine for the distressed Biafran population. Uli/Amorka airstrip was the site were brave American pilots like Alex Nicoll, and scores of others, made the supreme sacrifice in the service of humanity, delivering tons of relief supplies to the Biafran population.[4] Disgusted by the suffering and mounting death toll in Biafra from starvation as well as the continuous harassment of the relief planes by the Nigerian Airforce, Carl Gustaf von Rosen resigned as a Red Cross relief pilot and helped Biafra to form an Airforce of five Minicoin planes malmo MFI-9 stationed at the Uga airstrip.He named his tiny but effective airforce "Babies of Biafra" in honour of the babies who died via starvation inside Biafra.

Old Anambra State was created in 1976 from part of East Central State, and its capital was Enugu. A further re-organisation in 1991 divided Anambra into two states, Anambra and Enugu. The capital of Anambra is Awka
Anambra state got her name from an angelized version of the original “Oma Mbala”, the name of the river known as Anambra. It has a population of over four million with twenty one local Government Areas. Anambra is the eight most populated State in the country and the second most-densely populated state after Lagos. Anambra currently has the lowest poverty rate in the country.
One of the special characteristics of Anambra State is the resourcefulness of its people who carry on a most animated relationship with people who come across them. Perhaps that is why the state of her survival depended on both inter and intra-state peace, harmony and uninterrupted  flow and exchange of services , goods and ideas. The Anambraians are known for their highly resourceful and industrious nature which has tag them  with the name ‘’ do-it –yourself’’  and these has helped the Anambraians in carrying out  some developmental programmes themselves, which entails the people’s selfless commitment to Community development efforts, like construction of rural roads, culverts and bridges, schools, health institutions, water bore-hole and rural electricity supply.
They are also very friendly with large hearts and with high regard to strangers.

Ogbunike cake is listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO, THE Cage is described as one of the greatest wonds of creation found within the crust of a range of hills surrounding the area. Located at Ugwu Ogba in Ogbunike town , in Oyi local Government Area, Aa 10km drive from Onitsha, commercial heartland of Eastern Nigeria, ‘’Ogba Ogbunike’’ as the locals call it, has been known to people for a very long time. It is a location where Africans hid for slave raiding parties during the African holocaust period.
Other Anambra tourism potentials and cultural festivals include:

    Ijele Masquerade listed in UNESCO Archives as Intangible cultural element [5] Ijele dance festival is home to the 'Olus' of the Omambala area: Omor, Aguleri, Umuleri, Awkuzu, Umunya, etc.
    Omaba Yearly New-Yam Festival.
    Ozubulu New-yam festival
    Ozoebunu masquerade of Ozubulu
    Ajana-Ukwu and Igu aro festivals at Omor.

    Obu Gad at Enugwu Aguleri.
    Ini Iguedo (Iguedo Grave) at Nando.
    Odinani Museum at Nri.
    Ini Eri (Eri Grave) at Ivite, Aguleri
    Afia olu Festival in Nnewi. Attracts thousands of visitors annually.
    The River Niger at Onitsha and Asaba with the famous Niger bridge is the eastern gateway linking the South East with Niger Delta and Western Nigeria.
    Uzoiyi Festival Umuoji attracts thousands of visitors annually.
    Ofala (Ovala) Festival is the commemorative of Kingship celebrated by various towns. It was popularised by Onitsha town.
    Igu-Aro is the major kingship festival among the Nri.
    Nkpokiti Dance, Umunze is known for fantastic acrobatic performances.
    Rogeny Tourist Village at Oba (a stadium that is equipped with recreational activities including a swimming pool, zoo, shrine, soccer stadium, etc
According to oral tradition of the Igbos, two hunters from Ogbunike town discovered this cave at the dawn of history who received ‘divine’ instruction on the cave by a spirit angel called Pantheon.
Tradition also has it that there was a god called ‘’Ogba’’ who lived inside the cave in the middle of a large rock. Despite the Opaque nature of the rock, he was an all seeing spirit who could detect criminals especially thieves. When someone was accused of some sort of crime, he could prove he was innocent by entering the cave. The guilty ones never returned alive. The local guide do not reveal all stories to people or tourists. The cave is the most popular which attracts quite a number of visitors yearly.  People are only allowed into the cave on bare foot , because of religious traditions. Painting graffiti is allowed too.
There is a track, a multiple of 60 steps, which leads into a number of other mazes, a complex and baffling network of paths, lines. The entrance to the five tunnels of the cave is a wide and tampering mysterious hemispherical vault of solid rock with all season cool spring water dripping from top and all corners. Once inside the vault, you will feel quite serene as though you have come to a wonderland.
The naturally- carved network of chambers and tunnels has two levels. The lower level is 100m long and it leads to an underground river. The upper level  is twice as long and dry, and a bat colony and a water – fall sit at the northern-western end. Visitors to the cave are advised to go with touch light, wear trouser and prepare to do some crawling. Within the vicinity of Ogbunike cave is Mbida Ogba stream. Visitors to Ogbunike cake will have the advantage of savourig the serenity of the stream.
Rojenny Tourist/ Game Village is another interesting and premier recreation, tourist centre in Anambra State. I t was opened to the public November 1986 and its privately owned. This tourist village is captured in one wonder world, exotic and tropical atmosphere peculiar to Africa without losing touch with western modernization. It is a multipurpose centre providing places for relaxation, picnicking, conferences/seminars, cultural entertainment and above all for nature conservation which is an ideal place or family relaxations. At Rojenny Tourist/ Game Village has a cosy accommodation facilities, swimming pools, a small game reserve, animals include baboon, chimpanzee, crocodile, alligators,peacock,  water turtle, python,eagle, lion.tortoise, hyena, hawk, green, monkey etc. amusement park, standard stadium, tennis, basketball cuts to mention but a few.
In Anambra state, there is also a lake , lying between Agulu and Nri communities of ANAOCHA Local Government Area, the Agulu Lake is a natural lake with a width of about 7KM. The lake is rich in aquatic life, such as rare species of crocodiles, fish etc. It has potentials for water sports such as skiing, boating and fishing. The scenery provides a soothing environment for picnics.
There is another side attraction to the Agulu lake, which is the Idemili Cultural Centre- a magnificient building owned by the Chief Priest of the lake, offers a beautiful panoramic view of the lake.
Igbo  Ukwu museum is located along Nnewi road,Igbo Ukwu. It houses both historic and cultural artifacts of Igbo civilization. Among the items in the museum are the Bronze vessels which was first noticed in 1938 and later excavated by Thurstan Shaw, an English archealogist. The Bronze date back to 9th century. Other collections in the museum are pots decorated with deep channeling and projecting knobs, small balls of clay, ivory tusks, ornaments, of various shapes and sizes, bells, chains, anklets and other iron-age civilization which flourished in Igbo in the 9th century. A.D the museums was esatablished by the State government. Access to the museum is from Awka to Igbo- Ukwu town.

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