Monday 27 January 2014

SAME SEX – A Blessing or a curse? THE ORDER OF THE DAY IN DURUMI 111, A GAY GROUP FOUND ! Oh my God!


You are a  “good guy” not one of those men who would assault a fellow man. You would never commit a sacrilege with your or hit your brother, who tells you  that you took the wrong way- you are not part of the problem. So how can you become part of the solution? You are exactly the kind of man who can help fight homosexuality. Something might be going on in your mind now, that is, why is she discussing such a sensitive issue, after all some part of USA legalized same sex marriage, HELL NO! This is Nigeria, the act is just uncultured and can not be legalized in this part of the world where culture and decedent is held at high esteem.. Do not ask me why!So who is a homosexual?  A person who have a sexual feelings towards same sex, it is also a sexual behavior with the people of the same sex. Three things are involved here, sexual attractions, sexual behavior and identity. Some men tends to behave sexually in line with  their sexual feelings change. A person may at some point in life have a partner of the opposite sex and then later on someone of the same sex.Gemini Naija gathered that Durumi 111, a slum situated beside Gaduwa Estate in Apo District, Abuja, in the high brow of Apo District. In Durumi 111 or Dubaidna , Garki as it is called, one can find both middle class and low class people, in that its much closed to the town. On the other hand the housing accommodation is on the high side. Imagine a one-bedroom apartment going for four hundred thousand naira  while the village rooms goes for as low as fifty thousand naira per annum, here you have all these motor cyclist who, El-Rufai regime has sent  them to these slums in search of greener pastures through motor cycle transport. Labourers are also found in this slum.
Durumi 111 is a slum where young homosexuals use as there hide –out, to propagate the gay business. One young man, name withheld, went  there and rented an apartment and over time, he brought in about fifteen young men who either goes out every other evening to satisfy their rich/bigshots fellow gay men inside the Abuja city or  “their customers who already know where they stay. There was this fateful day when three of them fought over a customer, they accused the customer of infidelity , not minding on facing just one client and all that, at the end of the day ,a big fight rose between the other two on who will have the big shot customer.The matter got to the Chief or paramount ruler. Guarding the Durumi 111 slum. At the mention of their identity as gays, the Palace  Chief , who is also an indigene of the land,  by name Bawa Iyah  frown at homosexuality and made sure they are chase out of the Durumi 111 slum. According to Bawa Iyah, he told national accord that, he has to go to the resident of the young man that brought gay group in the community and chased him out.” I detest such inhuman act, Bawa Iya said”.it is an ill act against God and humanity,. He reassured. The palace Chief said that since that incident, he has made it a personal task to work alongside with the landlords , youths and parents to stand up , speak out and to fish out and fight gay act and vowed that he will banish men, who indulge in such act from the village.Ohh! Same sex practice! God detest this practice, whatever it is called-Gay and lesbians Alliance Against Defamation, a Gay Rights should not be implemented in the Nigerian law, in  that Nigeria has a lot of cultural diversity that frowns at such act. NGOs and civil society groups should reaffirm a clarion call to men and re-orient them via strategizing, organizing  and seminar presentation to end gay practice among our men. The sensitization should begin with slums and rural communities, where our parents are  ignorance of these inhuman act. Brother! “Be a well-meaning man .” A well –meaning man is a man who believes in his masculinity as a real man of  valour, that men should be respected and not lusting for a fellow man. A well –meaning man does not assault a fellow man. Youths are important vessels in nation’s building and demand for more attention on them, as regards job creations, employment and social rights..There is this popular saying that says “an idle mind is the devils worship. I beseech the government to try sort out our millions of youths who are graduates and jobless, by so doing, a better part of this social vices is solved. Here, what else can I say to our self acclaimed –so-called fathers who go out to dehumanize this one-time innocent youths. They should remember that there is a day of reckoning, someday! Let them, I mean those BEASTS, who call themselves God fathers to gay practice, put their children in the shoes of these youths they defer or deflower. I invite all hands on desks to begin to challenge all “well-meaning men to join  in the fight against gay practice. Together we can create the social change that will help to create a world that is more respectful of and safer for our men, especially our vulnerable male school children in one sex schools. Lets  get started! On your marks, GO!

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