Saturday 22 March 2014

Reps Probe petroleum minister for N10billion private jet expenses

The House of Representatives yesterday passed a resolution to probe the expenditures of the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs Diezani Alison-Maduekwe, on a private jet she allegedly charters for private use and maintains with public funds.
According to the sponsor of the bill, Hon Samuel Adejare who represents Lagos State, the minister maintains the jet with 500,000euros or N130 million monthly

"Thus, in the last two years, the minister has committed at least N3.120bn to maintaining the private jet, which is used solely for her personal needs and those of her immediate family, which is an appalling act"he said. He said the frequent use of the Jet by the Minister and her family members has caused an estimated N10billion to be spent on it for maintenance, fuel, payment of crew members, hanger rentage and others.

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