Tuesday 25 March 2014

Pistorius Murder Trial Oscar Pistorius Weeps In Court As Last Kiss Photo From Dead Girlfriend Appears In Court

  • This case keeps getting narrow by the day

Oscar Pistorius' murder trial entered an interesting day today as it's discovered that his late model girlfriend, Reevea Steenkamp sent the athlete a phone photo of her blowing him a kiss just a month before she was murdered in cold blood on February 14 at his house in South Africa.

The photo message was revealed by a South African police expert who accessed messages between the couple as he gave evidence in the athlete's murder trial today.

In the image the 29-year-old model is pictured wearing a hooded sweater that was presumably a gift from the athlete. After she sent the image of her wearing his gift he replied: 'You like it? to which she wrote: 'I love it. Thank u. Xxx.'

According to Captain Francois Moller, he obtained more than 1,000 exchanges between Pistorius and Steenkamp from two BlackBerry phones, two iPhones, two iPads and a Mac computer.

Pistorius fatally shot Steenkamp in his home the early hours of Valentine's Day, and Moller's extraction of data also shed light on what appeared to be a frantic series of phone calls made from one of Pistorius' cellular telephones after the killing. One of the model's calls went:

"I'm scared of you sometimes and how you snap at me,' while a later text read 'I can’t be attacked by outsider for dating u and be attacked by you the person I deserve protection from."

Moller also testified the couple allegedly argued about what she alleged was the athlete's short temper and jealousy but says that about 90 percent of the messages he downloaded were what he called normal and 'loving' exchanges.

However, there were exceptions that he printed out for the court in Pistorius' murder trial. A message sent by Steenkamp read:

'We are living in a double standard relationship. Every five seconds I hear about how you dated another chick. You really have dated a lot of people yet you get upset if I mention one funny story with a long term boyfriend.'

Pistorius calls his girlfriend 'Angel' and she called him 'Baba' and if they were so much inlove, how did he not think she was the one at his house that Val's Day? why did he think it was an intruder instead?

Did he actually kill her by mistake or it was a deliberate act? We'll keep you all posted. Stay tuned!

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