Monday 31 March 2014

Security Forces Kill 2,000 Boko Haram Insurgents In Sambisa Forest Weekend Raid

About 2000 Boko Haram insurgents were killed by the Special Forces along with Air Forces during the weekend in the Sambisa forest of Borno state, News Rescues and The Paradigm report.

Director of Defence Information, Maj. Gen Chris Olukolade still confirmed that 20 soldiers had been declared missing in the operation.

According to the information provided, midway into the operation, the Air Force Alpha Jet radioed the ground forces who had advanced in three companies, that they should withdraw because it was running out of bombs. While the 2nd and the 3rd battalions withdrew, the 1st company of soldiers is said not to have got the order.

Thus, they experienced a substantial numerical disadvantage in the battle against terrorists.

The communication mess caused anger within the camps which was "resolved for the operation to commence", Olukolade said.

He later confirmed that the Special Forces bombed the main operational headquarters of the insurgents where many of them were killed.

However, there are doubts regarding the figure 2000, as the commentators wonder how big Sambisa forest is for thousands of people to have been hiding there over the years, News Rescue report.

Federal High Court Orders 37 PDP Reps To Resign Seats At House Of Reps


 On Monday, March 31, the Federal High Court in Abuja has ordered 37 former members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to resign their seats at the House of Representatives for defecting to the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Delivering judgment, Justice Adeniyi Ademola held that the defected lawmakers no longer had any business, morally and legally, to stay in the House of Reps.

He said they should honourably resign from their seats as members of the House of Representative, having moved to another political party, while their tenure had yet to expire.

“Having perused the arguments of counsel and the constitutional provisions, it is clear and unambiguous that the defendants were sponsored by the PDP and won the election on its platform. It is also the court’s opinion that their tenure has not expired and there is no division in the PDP.

“The defendants are, therefore, not competent to vote or contribute to any proceedings in the House of Representatives.

“An order of perpetual injunction is, hereby, ordered, restraining them from altering or attempting to change the leadership of the House of Reps,’’ Ademola said.

According to NAN, the PDP had on Jan. 7 instituted a suit seeking to restrain the House of Representatives from altering the composition of its leadership.

The party had commenced the action following the defection of 37 lawmakers, who won election on its platform, to the opposition APC.

While arguing his originating summons, Mr Yunus Usman (SAN), PDP’s counsel had faulted the cross-carpeting of the lawmakers, saying that the legislators did so during the dependency of a judgment.

He argued that by virtue of the Oct. 2013 judgment of Justice Evoh Chukwu, which said there was no division in PDP, the matter had been laid to rest.

Usman had further submitted that by virtue of the provision of Section 68(1)(g) of the 1999 Nigerian constitution, as amended, the lawmakers ought to have vacated their seats immediately.

Mr Mamoud Magaji (SAN), counsel to the defendants, had in his submission, argued that it was wrong for the PDP to have sought to restrain its former members from House activities for defecting.

Other defence counsel, Mr Niyi Akintola, Mr Sebastian Hon, Mr James Ocholi, Mr Abiodun Owonikoko, and Jibril Okutepa, had prayed the court to dismiss the suit.

How Local Beverage Killed Six Young Men At Wedding Party

According to unconfirmed reports, no fewer than six persons were feared dead after allegedly consuming a local beverage, Zakami, at a wedding at Unguwa Uku, in the Kano metropolis.
How Wedding Turned Into Funeral Of Six Guests

According to the eyewitness, the incident happened at about 10.30 p.m. on Sunday.

All the deceased were young men aged between 20 - 22 years.

Young people drank Zakami at the wedding party that was also attended by many youths including the bride and groom.

After consuming the intoxicating beverage all of them collapsed and died on the way to the hospital.

The Kano State Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Magaji Majiya, confirmed the incident without specifiying the number of deaths as the сase is still under investigation.

The police invited the groom who is currently assisting them in the investigation with a view to find out the cause of the tragedy.


'I'm a supporter of polygamy; most African men are polygamous in nature' - Jibola Dabo

Nollywood actor Jibola Dabo, who has five children from different women said in a recent interview with TheNetng that he's an ardent supporter of polygamy and believes that most men in Africa are polygamous in nature. Read what he said below and tell us if you agree with him...
"People misunderstands what polygamy means. I am an ardent supporter of polygamy. Every single man, mostly from Africa, is polygamous in nature. We are just deceiving ourselves. Polygamy means when you see a woman you love and desire, you marry her with the consent of your already married wife and bring her home. It's not when you have one wife at home, then you have others scattered in different other places, that is not polygamy. And not when you have three wives and you cannot take care of one, that is an insult to polygamy. There are so many women out there who just want to have a man as an umbrella, but we keep saying one man one woman. Yet the women keep suffering. We all know that we have much more women in this world than men, the ratio is too high.

PHOTOS Of Boko Haram Jailbreak At SSS HQ In Abuja, During And After The Attack

Pandemonium broke out early hours Sunday when Boko Haram militants detained at the State Security Services facility in Abuja took over the complex for over six hours after disarming SSS agents guarding the facility.

It was gathered that the audacious action of the detainees led to prolonged negotiations that later resulted to shootings at the complex for over 4 hours, an SSS sources told newsmen.

The gunfight at the complex known as “Yellow House” caused panic in Abuja as the complex sits close to the Presidential Villa and one of the most fortified area in the national capital.

Below are some of the photos taken today during and after inmates at the State Security Services overpowered operatives of the agency and staged a jailbreak:


Miracle Baby Born With Heart Outside His Chest Survives His 6th Day

A miracle baby boy with rare heart condition has shocked the world by surviving into his 6th day defying odds of a million to one to survive, Uttar Pradesh state, India.

The child was born with an incredibly rare heart condition - ectopia cordis.

Ectopia cordis is a congenital malformation in which the heart is abnormally located either partially or totally outside of the thorax.

The ectopic heart can be placed out of the neck, chest, or abdomen.

Still to be named baby was born with the heart on the outside of his chest shocked the parents and medics by surviving into his 6th day.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Solidstar Sign Deal To Record World Cup Inspirational Song

We at Achievas Music are too proud to announce that Solidstar has just signed an ambassador deal with the Nigerian Football Association in-conjunction with the Nigerian Football Supporters Club.

The deal will have Solidstar record the official Super Eagles theme song which will be used to unite and inspire the players on and off the pitch and also our country.

Dr. Rafiu Oladipo who represented the NFA and who also is the president of the supporters club in a statement said - We needed someone one who was passionate about Nigeria football and who has that gyration in his voice and who the new and old generation can relate to and it was just Solidstar that came to mind"

The "Negotiate" crooner with joy appreciated the football association and the supporters club and said he is humbled by Dr. Oladipo's kind words and he won't disappoint in the new project.

Expect something gyrating, something that will lift the spirit of the whole players, coaching staff, the supporters and the whole country. - Solidstar assured.

Mother’s Love 5 Amazing Gift Ideas For Mother’s Day

Mother’s day is just right about the corner; the perfect time to spoil our mothers (biological, female role models and every ‘mother figure’ in our lives), a time to show them the mean/will continually mean a lot to us.

Our mothers deserve the best today and always: Check out our list of gift ideas, the key is to get creative around what they love and you would end up giving gifts that will make their days.

Kitchen Appliance.

A refrigerator works perfect and would come as a huge surprise! This red Nexus is our top pick.

A Smartphone/ Device

Our mothers are becoming tech savvy and we love it! A laptop, new coloured printer, Ipad, blackberry phone, Iphone and more works swell! They will love it.

Home Decoration.

Something as simple and stunning as a unique piece of wall clock, flower-vase, tea-light stand and many more would make brilliant gifts.


Perfumes are great any day. Make sure to get timeless scents.Our pick is this YSL Saharienne.

Scented Candles

Scented candles in different flavours work fine. Get creative, mix and match colours and switch flavours, mums love them.

"Why Don’t You Just Destroy Satan, Once And For All?" Charly Boy Writes A Touching Letter To God

There are so many things that confuse me about you which brings me to the real reason why I’m writing to you. But I guess you already saw this coming, no be you, Alfa and omega - Charly Boy to God.

In this season of open-letters in Nigeria, the last person we all expect to have one written to him is God. But guess what? He has his own too!

Veteran Nigerian singer and controversial figure, Charly Boy has written God a letter on his blog which questions his very basic decisions and abilities on earth, and in heaven.

The letter which asks numerous questions ranging from the 'trueness' and 'absolute nature' of Christianity as the one true religion (in the face of thousands), and also, why God has not destroyed Satan, and allowing him to tempt mere mortals, requires some answers from God.

Charly Boy also went further to ask why God (who is theorized to be perfect), should create imperfect humans, ask for praises and worship in churches, and allow the world to be filled with tribulation and suffering.

He concludes the revealing letter with an urgent and somewhat offensive closing.

"“God works in mysterious ways are not acceptable answers for me ooo” So, park well."

Read the full letter below.
A Letter To God - Charly Boy

"Dear God,

I had to muster a ‘lotta’ courage to write you this letter, please don’t get pissed with me, because there is no way on Earth that I can stand your vex, as one of your authentic sons. First of all, I ‘wanna’ thank you for all thou have given me, beautiful children, a beautiful and soulful wife, a family filled with love, Mum and Dad, nice motor bikes, belief in Self. But most importantly that gift, the ability to shift gears when the context calls for it and being able to generate and evaluate several different options in order to respond effectively to any situation, adjusting to any condition that I face instead of struggling with the way things are. Thank you God for all your mercies, but sheyyou also know that I have worked hard for all that I have today, with the talent you blessed me with. In short BABA, you built me for the Nigerian roads, no shaking, who born dem.

There are so many things that confuse me about you which brings me to the real reason why I’m writing to you. But I guess you already saw this coming, no be you, Alfa and omega.

(1). When I hear some people say that Christianity is the only true religion approved by you, I get a bit confused. What happens to the rest of the people who do not belong to that religion? Will you send them to hell? Why should they suffer if they were raised in an area which did not expose them to the “one true religion”? For example, there are about 1.2 billion Catholics. What happens to the 5.6 billion people who are not Catholic? What happened to the people who died prior to the organized religion or the concept of YOU, default to eternal damnation? Why is it acceptable to join a religion that was created by a single man? For example, King Henry created the Church of England. How do we know if YOU sent them or if it meets your approval, this religion? How do we know that any religion is approved by your person? Too much confusion,waliiitaliii. Why is it acceptable for religions to evolve? Various religions have changed over time due to cultural pressures – how do we know these changes are “authorized” by YOU.

(2). God, you are supposed to be perfect I don’t get it how you ended up creating imperfect humans, and we are told that we are all created in YOUR image and likeness. For me I’m sorry Baba, I don’t get it. How can a whole YOU create imperfect things, by the way why don’t YOU just destroy Satan, once and for all? Why is Satan allowed to tempt us anyhowly? Is it fair? Why would YOU even allow the creation of Hell? As CharlyBoy what I put out interms of my image tallies with the persona of Charlyboy because I have a kickass attitude. When I see some human beings, I definitely know that there is no way they can be YOUR creation, say who die? For a lot of Christians, the Bible is the “truth” and the “law” – then is it not strange that humans are accepting laws written by men, and that there are many different versions seen from different perspectives? GOD please which one is correct? We have old and New Testament, and one too many versions, because human beings are imperfect their stories may as well be imperfect.

(3). Why does a perfect BABA like YOU who is all powerful and has all knowledge – require us to praise YOU by going to Church. Should it not be sufficient for us to thank/praise YOU in our own way? Why do YOU require praise at all? Why do only humans need to praise Him, while other species are off the hook? I am just asking questions, or I shouldn’t be asking questions? Will YOU punish me for asking questions? But you are fair and just. Abi?

Why is there often contempt for those who question religion? If humans were given the gift of intelligence and the freedom of choice, why should they be punished for using it? Why is there continuous conflict between different religions, and between those who believe, and those who don’t? How can anyone know if they are correct? Why is the universe, Earth, and life so imperfect? Why would YOU create a world where there is so much… wrong, so much Beef, so much Gobee. I just tire for this matter.

And while we’re at it, I’m just really concerned about the myriad religions that say that believing anything other than them will result in going to hell. I mean, Christians say that Muslims will go to hell, and Muslims say Christians will go to hell. Can you help me out here? I haven’t even gotten into Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Daoism, Taoism, ancient Greek gods, ancient Roman gods… what would you recommend someone do BaBa God.

Abegi, help me with answers before I kolo just thinking about thequestions. My dada don scatter here, oh I forget say I no get dada again but my internal dada dey intact. Mark you, “God works in mysterious ways are not acceptable answers for me ooo” So, park well.

New Twist Over Missing Malaysian Plane Following New ‘Credible Lead’


The search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 shifted to another section of the southern Indian Ocean on Friday after new analysis by investigators indicated that the aircraft was traveling faster than previously thought.

The new lead comes from analysis of radar data between the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca before radar contact was lost, AMSA said.

Those data show that the aircraft traveled at a higher speed than investigators thought, therefore used more fuel and possibly traveled less far south, according to the Australians.

The new search area is 680 miles northeast of where planes and ships have been scouring the waters for any sign of the plane.

It is also four times as large as where the search team was looking Thursday, expanding the area being covered from 48,500 square miles to 198,200 square miles, according to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).

Australian officials said the new lead was based on continued analysis of information pieced together from radar and satellite data, as observers try to find the plane, which had 239 people on board when it strayed far from its intended path to Beijing on March 8.
* Source: Australian Maritime Safety Authority - The green crosshatched rectangle indicates the new search area. The prior search areas are in gray below.
The Australian-led search has spent several days trying to track down debris picked up by various satellites, which have offered the strongest leads in the hunt for the plane. But so far, observers on low-flying planes and on ships have come up short.
On Monday, a Thai satellite spotted at least 300 floating objects in the southern Indian Ocean, where authorities say the plane went down almost three weeks ago, a Thai official said Thursday.

The images were taken by the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, a Thai space research agency, and show objects more than
1,600 miles southwest of Perth, Australia, said Anond Snidvongs, executive director of the agency.

“I wouldn’t say the debris is from the Malaysia Airlines flight,” Anond said by telephone from Bangkok, adding that analysts could not be certain. “We just spotted a lot of floating objects.”

He said the items were as small as 6 1/2 feet and as long as 52 1/2 feet. They were seen about 124 miles from where French satellites detected a group of more than
100 objects earlier in the week.

The effort to physically locate debris from the aircraft was hampered Thursday as planes set out in the morning, only to turn back a few hours later because of weather conditions. Five ships continued scouring the section of the southern Indian Ocean where authorities think the flight ended. On Friday morning, the search resumed again with 10 aircraft.

Petroleum Tankers Association’s Leader Kidnapped In Kaduna

The National Treasurer of the Petroleum Tanker Drivers Association, PTD, Abdullahi Haruna, also known as 63, has been kidnapped by gunmen in Kaduna.

Family sources say the kidnappers stormed Mr. Haruna’s residence near Bibal Hospital in Tudun Wada around 10 p.m. on Friday and whisked him away at gun point.

The kidnappers did not harm anyone else during the operation. “They stormed the house and whisked him away at gun point in a waiting vehicle,” a sympathiser told PREMIUM TIMES on Saturday.

The Kaduna State Commissioner of Police, Umar Shehu, who confirmed the incident, said the kidnappers were yet to make any demand.

“The kidnappers are yet to make contacts for any ransom. However, we have already commenced investigation,” he said.

Boko Haram Attack SSS Headquarters, Military Aircrafts Hover Over Presidential Villa

There was shooting in the vicinity of Nigeria's Presidential palace and the headquarters of the Department of State Services in the Asokoro District of Abuja. No fewer than 18 suspects were killed in the ensuing battle while about 20 were re-arrested with two rifle recovered from them. Two SSS operatives were also said to have been critically injured.

The expansive headquarters of the State Security Service, popularly known as Yellow House, is adjacent to one of the remote gates of the Presidential villa.

Former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory and resident of the Asokoro District of Abuja where the SSS headquarters is located, Nasir El-Rufai, has been posting updates on the situation via his Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Friday 28 March 2014

National Conference "Sleeping Delegate" Dies

Photo: Hamma Misau dies at the age of 67
One of the delegates of the National Conference currently being held in Abuja, a retired police Assistant Inspector General (AIG) Hamma Misau has died at the National Hospital in Abuja. Mallam Misau, who passed from the undisclosed illness at the age of 67, became famous after the photo of him sleeping during the conference went viral in the social media.

Photos: Sleeping competition at the CONFAB

Lol. Couldn't they find younger people as delegates to this National Conference? See another photo after the cut...

Thursday 27 March 2014

GN exclusive: Musical artist, Mikee ......Marching on

And so it goes.... Wow! It has been a while for Micheal Chibuike Egbe, popularly known as Mikee 1 by his fans, has been in the music industry and now he is coming out with another hit audio single titled "Missing u". Mikee is a singer and a songwriter, Nigerian fast rising musical artist who believes in good music and recently added another feather to his cap as he joins the league of radio presenters. Currently he co-host and anchors the entertainment segment of a radio talk show called the Purple show with Andrea Annie. The news was confirmed when Gemininaija gathered the information from Mikee himself. The multi-talented artist and radio personality genre or kind of music he does is Hip hop and RnB and has done many songs amongst which are Onyeoma, Na you, Glow, I love you Nom and linda. Mikee is presently working on the new song 'Missing U' which will catch an international recognition. The Onyeoma single has an MTN caller tune, its a song dedicated to our mothers and wives because they are the greatest being. Mothers are the hands that rock the cradle and they rule the whole world. Incase you want to download "Onyeoma" the MTN code is 011905. Linda track also has MTN caller tune and its 011906. Linda is a song dedicated to all Lindas. When asked why he sang with the name Linda, he answered, Who knows, i might be inspired to use your name Jamila in my next song, he jokingly told the Gemininaija female correspondent, who anchored this interview. He is highly inspired by God and his role model and Mentor Bruno Mars. Born in Lagos and grew up in Warri, Delta State where he has his education before he went back to Lagos to promote his music. To Mikee, he breathes Music and cannot do without music because he started doing music as a kid, having raised in a family where music is not taken for granted. Congratulations our dear Mikee, we wish you more success in both your musical career and as a radio personality. May your sun never die!

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Desmond Elliot Enrols At Colorado Film School

Nollywood top actor, Desmond Elliot, sure knows how to keep reinventing himself, as he has taken the opportunity of the federal government of Nigeria's Nollywood Project ACT initiative, instituted by President Goodluck Jonathan, to go back to school.

Desmond has just resumed at the Colorado Film School in the United States of America and is expected to spend some time there honing his skills, expand his knowledge and getting better for challenges ahead.

The Nollywood Project ACT initiative was given birth to by President Jonathan's N3 billion intervention fund and grant scheme dedicated to addressing some of the challenges facing the movie industry.

The program was meant to support key components along the industry's value chain with the objective to harness the growth of the industry.

While many of his colleagues have been trying to access the funds for personal gains and some even fighting bitterly over the money, Desmond, and some wise ones amongst them, have been using the grants to equip themselves for a better tomorrow.

Congratulations Desmond Elliot.

Olamide denies expecting a baby with longtime girlfriend

So I wrote a story today that Olamide is expecting a baby with his longtime girlfriend, Adebukunmi Aisha Suleiman. Someone in his camp put the story out because I am not the only news source to carry it, but anyway, Olamide has denied that this is true. He took to twitter about an hour ago to lash out at me. See Tweets below...

I feel like one, he's been waiting for the moment to lash out at Which is fine. And two, I also see he's mad that I don't post his songs and videos on my blog. If I'm not posting it, it's because no one is sending to me...I'm a huge fan so.... Oh and love you too, boo! *wink*

Whitney Houston’s Daughter, Bobbi Kristina Claims She Inherited Mother's Voice, Wants To Sing

Whitney Houston's daughter claims she has inherited her mother’s voice and teased fans she is preparing to put it to use.

On her official Twitter page, 21-year-old Bobbi Kristina wrote: "Think about it.. She had 1babygirl, lungs and a GORGEOUS unforgettable voice .. Who do you think ONLY has HER vocal chords.. ? (sic)

"The daughter of singer Bobby Brown and late Whitney Houston warned everyone who questioned whether she would be able to live up to her mother’s high standards that she fully intends to.
When one of Whitney Houston's fans wrote on Twitter that "NOBODY has her vocals," Bobbi replied that she shouldn't underestimate what she (her mother) made.

According to a source, Mariah Carey and former ‘American Idol’ judge Randy Jackson were close friends of Whitney Houston. And after her sudden death in 2012, they kept in touch with Bobbi.

The young star is also rumoured to be getting help with her career from Mariah Carey and former ‘American Idol’ judge Randy Jackson.

A source said: "Now Randy has decided he wants to help Bobbi Kristina become a star – and Mariah told him she wanted in, too.

"Mariah would love to step in and provide mentoring to [Bobbi] because she and Randy have been so close … They have years of music experience between them and will share all their knowledge with Bobbi Kristina."

Student In Prison Custody Over Underage Teen Rape

A 19-year-old student, Fidelis Ojor, was remanded in Keffi Prison by an Abuja Senior Magistrates’ Court in Karu, FCT on Wednesday.

Ojor is charged with the attempted rape of a minor as he lured a three-year-old girl into his house where he attempted to defy her.

The case was reported to the police on Jan. 21 by Mr Chibueze Okereke, the girl’s father.

The man further alleged that the accused forcefully inserted his finger into the girl's private part, leaving her with bruises and severe pains.

The offence contravened section 285 of the Penal Code, which prescribed a seven-year jail term for attempted rape if found guilty.

The defender, Egbaji, asked for bail, stating that “the accused is a promising young man, who has unfortunately become a victim of this allegation’’.

For its part the prosecutor, Sgt. Bulus Samuel, objected to the application saying that offences bordering on rape were not ordinarily bailable.

He also highlighted that the case was under investigation as the police were still waiting for victim's medical test results.

Sgt. Bulus Samuel assumed that granting the accused bail could affect the investigation.

He said, "We are not magicians to fabricate facts."

However, Ojor, who lives behind Gowon Barracks, Abuja, pleaded not guilty to the charge.

The prosecutor re-arrested the accused, who was in police custody for more than 2 weeks, before he was brought to this court on Wednesday.

It's became known that the accused had earlier been arraigned on the same matter at the Upper Area Court in Karu and the prosecutor applied for withdrawal of the case which was granted.

Dangote Cement posted a record profit after tax of N210.2 bn.

The largest capitalised company on the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Dangote Cement, has posted a record profit after tax (PAT) equal to N210.2 billion for the company and N201.2 billion for the group.

These figures were contained in the latest audited account released in Lagos.

In 2012, the cement manufacturing octopus made a PAT of N145 billion for the group and N146 billion for the company.

Gross profit stood at N243 billion for the company last year, as against N146 billion earned in 2012.

The company reported an increase of about N100 billion in its turnover, from N298 billion for the group in 2012 to N386 billion last year.

Earnings per share was N11.85, according to the group performance, while in 2012, each share earned N8.52.

The company has not indicated what it intends to pay as dividend to its shareholders.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Lagos state office of the Central Bank of Nigeria is on fire.

The fire started at about 5:40 PM at the top most part of the building.

Men of the Lagos Fire Service and other emergency agency officials are said to have arrived the scene.

The fire incident comes amid several multi billion dollar allegations of fraud rocking the Goodluck Jonathan administration.

Investigations into some of these allegations have already been initiated by several government bodies and agencies including the National Assembly and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.

Analysts say they would not be surprised if the fire was meant to get rid of certain key documents that could serve as evidence in these investigations.


More Blood Flows In Benue Again, 27 Feared Dead

27 people are feared dead in a brutal attack which took place in the Agena village of Mbaalom, in the District of Gwer-East local government of Benue state in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

According survivors and eyewitnesses, the invaders launched the attack on the community at around 5am, waking up many with the sound of gunfire coming from their blazing guns.

The invaders were alleged to be the same group of herdsmen who local police seem powerless to stop, or apprehend.

A source said, "Some of us even don't know how we escaped (with our lives) because nobody here knew where the shots were coming from. We were just running in all directions."

Hours later, 12 bodies were brought by the police to the Federal Medical Centre Makurdi and they had fresh bullet wounds.

Confirming the incident, Daniel Ezeala Sp, the Makurdi Commands Police spokesperson, insisted that police saw only 7 bodies.

There's been several attacks on the natives in Benue by suspected herdsmen and their militia. Over the weekend, no fewer than 55 people lost their lives in a bloody clash between Tiv youths and suspected Fulani mercenaries at Gbajimba, the headquarters of Guma Local Government Area.

"People With Evil Minds" Set PDP Secretariat In Ado-Ekiti On Fire

Ekiti State - Peoples Democratic Party's secretariat in Ajilosun area of Ekiti State capital Ado-Ekiti was set on fire in early hours of Tuesday.
It was learnt that a number of unknown persons gained access to the building, forcibly entered the Chairman's office and set in on fire. The fire affected a section of the first floor of the secretariat, as various party documents and files were reportedly consumed by the flames.
According to eyewitnesses, local residents raised the alarm, and the consequences could have been devastating if not for the timely intervention of local fire department.
The security has since been beefed up around the vicinity of the building, as armed policemen have cordoned the area off.
The cause of the incident is yet to be determined, but the Police Public Relations Officer of the State Victor Babayemi said the matter is being looked into.
Director of Publicity for PDP, Kola Kolawole, said only people with "evil minds" can be responsible for the incident.
It is worth noting that the incident comes only days after the PDP chose former governor Ayo Fayose as their candidate for the June 21 governorship election in Ekiti State.

Check Out These YACHT, You will Fall in Love with Them

Diddy Officially Changes Name Back To Puff Daddy

Hip Hop star Sean 'Diddy' Combs is returning to his roots and he's begun that movement by officially changing his name back to Puff Daddy.

The mogul just announced he'll put his nickname Diddy to the side after nearly 10years in use and get back his original rap name in preparation of his new forthcoming album, according

The Revolt TV's CEO will be releasing his not-yet-titled album,MMM soon. The LP becomes his first release since the 2010 Diddy-Dirty Money collab with "Last Train To Paris" and his first completely solo album since his 2006's "Press Play".

This announcement comes simultaneously with the release of a teaser trailer for his new single "Big Homie", featuring French Montana and Rick Ross, out on March 31.

It should be noted that the Bad Boy Entertainment boss changed his name twice after "Puff Daddy," first to P. Diddy, then, Diddy and somewhere in there, Puffy happened as well.

Celebrity Style Crush- Uti Nwachukwu

Big brother 5 winner and media personality, Uti Nwachukwu is a sylish piece of work! The lovable guy is never afraid to rock any trend, a fashion forward dude who stands out every time and known to rock Nigerian designs from McMeka, Mai Atafo Inspired, Taryor Gabriels and many more.

He is a lover of the formal look with a fresh twist to it, we love his style. Peep photos of some of our favourite looks of the style star. That pose between, easy tiger, what's not to love?

Badoo; Badoo Baby Number 2 For Olamide

Baddest Rapper Ever Liveth, Olamide, is surely a sharp shooter as he is slowly but steadily swelling the ranks of celebrity baby daddies who enjoy fathering children out of wedlock.
He is now expecting his baby number two while he is refusing to do the right thing by getting married to the lady who is busy producing kids for him.
According to those in the know, the rapper had fathered a kid a few years back by his long-time girlfriend, Adebukunmi Aisha Suleiman, and though they are not married, Olamide has not been shy to flaunt her for all to see, telling everyone that she is the only woman in his life.
Now we hear the sharp guy is expecting another baby from her, even without taking her to the altar.
So when are we expecting the 'Durosoke' rap-ster to walk down the aisle?

" I Miss My Husband's Love And Companion" Patience Ozokwor"

Patience Ozokwor popularly called Mama G, in a recent interview speaks on why she adopted five children.

Read excerpts:

How did you feel when you received the Centenary award?
I feel very elated to have received the award, because it is a sign that Nigerians appreciate my good work. It is indeed a dream come through for me as a thespian, and I promise to always make Nigeria and Africa proud with my work.

How do you feel about all your achievements as an actress?
Stardom has taking me to so many countries in the world. I have been able to meet presidents of different nations. And I appreciate the fact that people commend and appreciate my acting skills whenever they meet me anywhere in Nigeria and outside the country, which gives me a great pleasure and ability to work harder, knowing that I have fans all over the world is worth celebrating.

How has Nollywood helped to transform Nigeria?
Our movies have been able to affect people’s lives as well as make them happy. In fact, Nollywood has transformed Nigeria’s image abroad positively and I am delighted to be part of this achievement.

Has your profession affected your life positively?
I have been able to assist my family financially through my work, my children were able to go to school and they are living a comfortable life with their families as graduates by the special grace of God. In fact, the movie industry has affected my life positively in every ramification and I don’t have any regret being an actress and I give God all the glory.

Have you achieved all that you set out to achieve?
I have not yet achieved everything, personally there are things that I have in mind to do in the industry, but when I look back there is nobody yet qualified to take over the mantle from me. And I pray that God will raise someone that will be better than me, which will be a great achievement to have someone who will replace me, when I finally leave the industry.

Would you support any of your children to go into entertainment?
My second son is already into entertainment, he has a music record label. While my daughter ended up in the church drama. Though, my son acted in few movies before he left for the United Kingdom, hopefully he may do more in acting or movie directing in the future. And I will give him every encouragement if he decides to go into acting professionally, because he is passionate about entertainment.

While growing up did you ever think of becoming a movie star?
I have always been an entertainer from childhood, so getting to the level I have attained in the industry is by the grace of God, consistency and hard work.

Could you share some of the experiences you had in your early days as an actress that almost discouraged you?
During my early days, sometimes when I get to location with a script, they would tell me someone has taken my place, which was so disappointing. But I endured and believed God for mine, and He gave me what belongs to me. Today, God has celebrated me as an icon and I give God all the glory.

Your husband died in 2000, precisely 14 years ago, how is life as a widow?
God has always been on my side because without Him there is nothing we can do. Again, I lived in the village, maybe if I were living in the city, things would be happening to me and nobody will know what I was passing through. And my people in the village know that I am always on location working either in the eastern part of the country or Lagos and Abuja. But when I am not working you will see me in the comfort of my home in the village. I appreciate my people for all their love and peaceful co-existence which I am enjoying. My husband’s family loves me so much, even before I became a star; we were so attached to each other. Everyone in the family calls me Patia; they are fond of me.

Are you saying you still live in the village?
I don’t live in the city; I still live in my village. It is nice to live in the countryside where everyone is everybody’s business. (Laughter).

Not minding the fact that you are a celebrity?
If you see the way people appreciate me in my village, whenever I go to the market to shop everyone will be calling me ‘Mama G’, ‘Gee’ for general, in fact, you will appreciate me more. But my office is located in Enugu town. So, I enjoy living in the village, my hometown. I still live my life of simplicity regardless of fame.

How do you manage to shuttle from the village to other parts of the country?
I have a guest house in Lagos where some of my jobs are concentrated like soaps, endorsements, commercials and shooting of movies. I have a three bedroom flat in Asaba. Because I am tired of staying in public hostels, some are sub-standard; and sometimes you run into small girls that you know. So, I decided to rent an apartment each in Lagos and Asaba for comfort. I have adopted children who I take on holidays, so because I would not like them to grow up in the village without being exposed to city life, when they are on long vocation and I am in Nigeria, I take them to Lagos or Asaba for a change of environment.

Your son had his wedding in the United Kingdom sometimes ago and your daughter also got married in Nigeria, how many children do you have?
I have three biological children. But because of my love for children, I adopted five other children who bear my name and I am very proud of them as my children. But I intend giving two among them to my younger sister to love as I have been doing. I am grateful to God for their lives, my son in-law and beautiful daughter-in-law I love you all.

Your late husband was supportive of your career, would you say you miss his presence now that you have hit stardom, especially being honoured with the Centenary award?
I wish my husband were alive to witness my Centenary award, because he was highly supportive of my career. Though, he was sick for a long time before he died, I wish he were still alive. But God knows the best. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

What did you really miss about him?
I miss the togetherness, when two people work together trying to train the children, bringing them up in unity and love. And all the affection he showered on us. I miss the way he celebrated my children’s birthdays, he was a true father and husband when he was alive. I miss my husband’s companionship and love.

Have you ever acted any role related with your experience as a widow?
Of course, one or two things that happened to you as a widow will definitely come up in the movies, but I have not acted any widowhood role that has to do with my experience as a widow negatively. My in-laws have been very supportive and caring; we have always lived like one big family. I always visit them in the United Kingdom, United States of America and those in Nigeria are united in love with me. When my husband was hospitalized, my sister-in-law and I were taking care of him; she stayed with him at nights while I took over from her in the morning before going to location. On that fateful day, I was on location when my husband died, before my sister in-law arrived the hospital. Thereafter, they informed me about his death and they put him in the mortuary and asked me to continue with my job, because they understand my kind of job, but I blatantly refused. I took permission from the producer and stayed away for some days. I later came back to finish the production of the movie.

Tell us about your parents?
My parents were loving and caring, I miss them so much. My mother was a popular trader. I never had it rough as a child, I only had it rough when my husband fell sick, but my in-laws did not leave me, they took care of my husband’s hospital bills. It’s just that you don’t have to wait for people to survive; instead you struggle to make life meaningful for yourself.

You are looking younger and beautiful even at your age, are you thinking about remarrying?
It is not about my look but my age. I am not thinking about remarrying. Since my husband died, I have been rearing my children to the glory of God. And I decided to occupy my mind on my job and service to God to give my children the best in life.

How old are you now?
I was born on March 25,1958, so do the calculation.

At 56, you are looking elegant. What is the secret behind your healthy look?
God is the secret behind my ageless look, and I also eat what my body needs, I take a lot of fruits and exercise when it’s necessary. And most imperatively, I don’t drink alcohol because I have realized that alcohol does a lot of damage to the body and makes you look older than your age.

Nollywood producers have stereotyped you with roles that make you get bad remarks, how have these roles affected your life?
I don’t owe anybody any apology for the roles I play, because I get paid for them and it is my job. It is only people who don’t understand that acting is make belief that perceive an actor to be living his or her life the way she acts on set. If I could read my script and interpret the role to get the best production, it means I understand acting.

Who is Patience Ozokwor outside the set?
I am a very loving mother, nice, caring, jovial, understanding, and above all God fearing. But I don’t take nonsense because I am a disciplinarian.

You attended teachers training college were you nursing the idea of becoming a teacher?
I attended teachers training college in Afikpo; and then I proceeded to IMT, Enugu where I studied Fine and Applied Arts, specializing in Graphics. But I am a not a teacher today, because my interest is in acting where my passion also lies.

Pistorius Murder Trial Oscar Pistorius Weeps In Court As Last Kiss Photo From Dead Girlfriend Appears In Court

  • This case keeps getting narrow by the day

Oscar Pistorius' murder trial entered an interesting day today as it's discovered that his late model girlfriend, Reevea Steenkamp sent the athlete a phone photo of her blowing him a kiss just a month before she was murdered in cold blood on February 14 at his house in South Africa.

The photo message was revealed by a South African police expert who accessed messages between the couple as he gave evidence in the athlete's murder trial today.

In the image the 29-year-old model is pictured wearing a hooded sweater that was presumably a gift from the athlete. After she sent the image of her wearing his gift he replied: 'You like it? to which she wrote: 'I love it. Thank u. Xxx.'

According to Captain Francois Moller, he obtained more than 1,000 exchanges between Pistorius and Steenkamp from two BlackBerry phones, two iPhones, two iPads and a Mac computer.

Pistorius fatally shot Steenkamp in his home the early hours of Valentine's Day, and Moller's extraction of data also shed light on what appeared to be a frantic series of phone calls made from one of Pistorius' cellular telephones after the killing. One of the model's calls went:

"I'm scared of you sometimes and how you snap at me,' while a later text read 'I can’t be attacked by outsider for dating u and be attacked by you the person I deserve protection from."

Moller also testified the couple allegedly argued about what she alleged was the athlete's short temper and jealousy but says that about 90 percent of the messages he downloaded were what he called normal and 'loving' exchanges.

However, there were exceptions that he printed out for the court in Pistorius' murder trial. A message sent by Steenkamp read:

'We are living in a double standard relationship. Every five seconds I hear about how you dated another chick. You really have dated a lot of people yet you get upset if I mention one funny story with a long term boyfriend.'

Pistorius calls his girlfriend 'Angel' and she called him 'Baba' and if they were so much inlove, how did he not think she was the one at his house that Val's Day? why did he think it was an intruder instead?

Did he actually kill her by mistake or it was a deliberate act? We'll keep you all posted. Stay tuned!

29 Year old Man Kills Friend With Hammer, Claims Devil Possessed Him

Kogi state police command has arrested a 29 year old man who beat his friend to death over a vehicle.

The man who claimed mental instability as cause of his actions, said that he was possessed by the evil spirits and devil and lost his self control and reasoning during the fight.

The man is named as a Mr James Onoja was caught in Olamaboro by the police.

Onoja said his friend tracked him down all the way from Abuja to his fathers home in Ogugu, Olamaboro local government area of the state on the eve of March 14, 2014 with the intent of taking the car.

Onoja admitted to using a hammer to hit his friend to death.

According to a police source, the suspect who is currently being detained would soon be charged to court for murder.

Official Latest Statement On Missing MH370

Malaysian Airlines assumes "beyond any reasonable doubt" that the missing flight MH370 is considered lost and there are no survivors.

This statement was sent as a text message to the families of those, who were on board, as reported by the BBC. Malaysian Airlines officially confirmed the fact they sent the message.

The flight MH370, Malaysian airlines, with 239 passengers on board, has been missing since March 8th. The plane took off at Kuala Lumpur and never landed at its destination in Beijing.

It has now been 5 days since the search operation has been held in the southern Indian Ocean.

It has been 17 days that over 25 countries are searching for Malaysian plane MH370, its 239 passengers and crew.

Monday 24 March 2014

Check OUT This Hair Style... Can You Rock The Condom Hair?

Over the years, many hair styles have evolved with different names, fashion and pattern.
From traditional hairstyles done with local thread, there has been an evolution, going through the period dreadlocks was the in-thing.
From there, we have had the Bob Marley hairstyle to theGhana weave, BrazilianMexican, and natural weave on. But I bet you have not seen the Condom hairstyle.
Have a peek here and tell us if you can rock this hairstyle.

Hundreds Of Lives Saved As STF Foils Planned Attack On Church In Jos

On Sunday, hundreds of lives were saved in Jos, Plateau State, as security agencies foiled a planned attack by suspected Fulani herdsmen on a local church.

The gunmen had reportedly targeted the church at Rantya Low Cost area of Nyago Gyel district of Jos South LGA of the state. They came from the hills and were about to launch their deadly mission, but one of the church’s guards spotted them.

They bandits immediately started shooting in the direction of the church with about 1,000 worshippers; however, men of the Special Task Force were quick to intercept.

An eyewitness, Mr. Godwin Okoko, said that but for the vigilance of the police and soldiers attached to the STF, who responded to the distress calls by the worshippers, the gunmen would have succeeded in carrying out a mass massacre.

The development was said to have created tension around the locality as churches around the area hurriedly ended their worship.

Plateau State Police Commissioner, Mr. Chris Olakpe, confirmed the incident. He said no life was lost, but none of the gunmen were arrested as they managed to escape.

Benue Is Boiling

In the Benue clash, heavy gun battle was ongoing in the besieged town, while women and children were seen fleeing to nearby villages and the capital city of the state, Makurdi, for safety.

According to Vanguard, the suspected mercenaries stormed Gbajimba, in the morning of March 23, 2014, Sunday, but they were repelled by armed Tiv youths, who engaged them in a bloody fight.

The Police station in Gbajimba is reportedly, helpless because it has less than 50 officers, and the number of attackers was completely overwhelming.

About 55 persons may have been killed on both sides, several people were still missing at the time of filing the present report.

The Police spokesperson, Superintendent Daniel Ezeala confirmed that serious fighting was ongining in Gbajimba at that moment, but he refused to give more details on further plans and counter actions by the police force.