Wednesday 5 November 2014

The car that doubles up as a SOLAR PANEL: Mercedes-Benz unveils concept vehicle that harnesses energy using its paintwork

Vision G-code uses something known as ‘multi-voltaic’ silver paint
This captures energy from solar rays to power a unique hybrid engine
Car can also generate power using electrostatic charge from the wind
Glass panel stretches from driver's side window to the passenger side
It was unveiled this week at the company’s research base in Beijing

From water-fuelled cars to shape-shifting tricycles, finding ways to cut emissions has led to some bizarre vehicle designs over the years.

Now Mercedes-Benz has unveiled what it claims to be the ultimate in ‘green driving’- a concept car that doubles up as a huge solar panel to generate energy.

Using something known as ‘multi-voltaic’ silver paint, the German manufacturer’s Vision G-Code is designed to capture energy from solar rays to power a hybrid engine.

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