Friday 28 November 2014


A day after former President Olusegun Obasanjo declared the National Assembly as the haven of corruption; the Senate has fired back, saying that he missed the point in his assessment of the legislature.

The Upper House, which described Obasanjo’s remarks as unfortunate and a deliberate attempt to denigrate the institution, demanded proofs from him.

At the public presentation of the autobiography of Justice Mustapha Akanbi in Abuja on Wednesday, Obasanjo had said that NASS was largely an assemblage of “looters and thieves.”

He said by their corrupt acts, NASS members had destroyed their oversight functions by collecting bribes from Ministries, Departments and Agencies, MDAs.

In its reaction yesterday, the Senate, through a statement issued by its spokesman, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, said it was unfortunate that the former President would distort the issue of constituency projects as meaning a direct monetary advance to lawmakers and thus amounting to the “promotion of corruption” by NASS.

Abaribe said the most unfortunate in the deliberate diatribe against the National Assembly, was Obasanjo’s allegation that the lawmakers were “siphoning public funds through what they call ‘constituency projects’.”

The allegation, as spurious as it were, he said, was very distant from the truth, adding that if it were so, the former President would not have tolerated such for the period he was the country’s foremost leader.

“President Obasanjo, for the avoidance of doubt, was the initiator of constituency projects in the year 2000 as a means of ensuring that projects were fairly spread across the country using the Senatorial zones as the springboard.

“To ensure execution of the projects, former President Obasanjo, again factored the constituency projects into the annual budgets to be implemented by the Executive arm of government depending on the availability of funds. That is to say that no lawmaker ever comes close to the funds or even determines the contractor for the said projects or when the said contract would be awarded.

“So, it looks curious and surprising that Obasanjo would turnaround after over 10 years of initiating such a project to allege that the National Assembly is performing the function of both the Executive and the Parliament.

“Is it not preposterous for anybody to believe that members of the National Assembly would, against the provisions of the Constitution with regards to application of separation of powers, award contracts ‘to their agents to execute’ and expect the Presidency under a President Obasanjo or any other President for that matter to pay for what they are not part of?

“Such allegation stands logic on its head, as it amounts to an indictment of the Presidency for willfully contravening the budget laws by ceding its power to execute to the National Assembly, if it was the case,” Abaribe said.

The Senate, therefore, challenged the former President to go a step further to furnish Nigerians with details of how the National Assembly members became executors of the national budget rather than being lawmakers.

“It will also help to clear the allegation once and for all, if any Presidency official, not only from the time past but currently, could come forward and explain the true position of the so-called constituency projects. Doing so would at least set the records straight,” he argued.

Abaribe cautioned political leaders to be wary of the “consequences to our democracy of dragging the revered institution of lawmaking to public odium just to score some political point.”

Meanwhile, Afenifere Leader and National Leader of the Social Democratic Party, SDP, Chief Ayo Adebanjo, has said that Obasanjo lacks the moral justification to accuse President Goodluck Jonathan’s government of corruption while he soiled his hands more than any corrupt leader in Nigeria.

He accused Obasanjo of contributing to over 70 percent of the woes now facing the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

Speaking at the launch of SDP in Lagos yesterday, Adebanjo said the former President would end up exposing his flaws if he continues to accuse President Jonathan of corruption when he assumed office as a pauper in 1999 and left in 2007 as a multi-billionaire.

Adebanjo said: “What did Obasanjo have before 1999? How much did he have in his account? But now, he has a university, hotels, several companies and farms across the country; yet he is claiming to be a saint, having the effrontery to allege some politicians are corrupt. If not for the patch-it system they were running, he should have been docked by now.

“Obasanjo, who claimed to be a millionaire today was reimbursed by his deputy, Atiku Abubakar, Otunba Fasawe and some notable Nigerians before he could contest because he had ran into bankruptcy before then and today, he is flowing in stolen Nigeria’s billions.”

The Afenifere leader maintained that Obasanjo forced many Nigerian to donate to the multi-billion naira library he now owns and paid many of the donors back with the country’s oil blocs; yet he claims to be innocent, thinking Nigerians have forgotten.

“We must rise against corruption and it is only the Progressives that can do that. It is a system we inherited from our mentor, father and leader, the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo not the one former Lagos State Governor, Bola Tinubu and his corrupt men use to deceive people. The real progressive men are now in the SDP, it is the only party that can educate Nigeria on how to move forward,” he said.

The party’s National Chairman, Chief Olu Falae, who handed over to the Lagos State Chairman of the SDP, Mr. Reuben Osula and Chief Supo Shonibare, stressed that party would contest every position in the forthcoming elections because it has what it takes to deliver Nigeria from its inherent crises.

Obasanjo had at the same event accused President Jonathan of making direct payments to the legislature to cover up his corrupt acts.

Alison-Madueke emerges first female OPEC President

Minister of Petroleum Resource, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke, has been elected the first female president of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC.

She was elected President of the oil cartel yesterday at its 166th general meeting in Vienna, Austria. The minister takes over from Libyan Vice Prime Minister for Corporations, Abdourhman Atahar Al-Ahirish and will serve a one-year term.

For the next one year, she would lead the expertise of the OPEC Secretariat, professionals in OPEC member countries and the organization’s Economic Commission Board, as well as input from various other stakeholders to steer the ship of the organisation to maintain market stability; highlight and deepen the understanding of possible future challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the oil industry and also create a channel to encourage dialogue, cooperation and transparency between OPEC and other players in the industry.

The new OPEC President emerged at a very critical time in the organisation and invariably world economy. Part of issues that form a litmus test for the group’s new president is how to ensure price of oil in the international market appreciates.

At the opening of the meeting, Al-Ahirish said that the recent price developments were a sign that the oil market was at present searching for stability and balance.

“At today’s (yesterday’s) meeting, OPEC will consider these issues–and discuss the market outlook for 2015. As always, our deliberations will be focused on contributing towards stability in the market. This is what most benefits global economic growth–and it is what matters most to all stakeholders, producers and consumers alike.”

He further said that the global economic recovery had continued, although at lower levels, while the world oil market had seen ample supplies, adding that given this backdrop–and even though some uncertainties remain–global economic growth in 2015 was expected to grow to 3.6 percent from 3.2 per cent in the current year.

“In line with this economic outlook, world oil demand in 2015 is forecast to grow by around 1.1 million barrels per day, with total world consumption at around 92.3 million barrels per day

“The bulk of this net oil demand growth will continue to come from non-OECD countries. Non-OPEC oil supply is also anticipated to rise next year by 1.4 million barrels per day to average 57.3 million barrels per day,” he said.

Meanwhile, the price of oil has dropped after OPEC resolved not to slash output at its meeting in Vienna.

OPEC’s Secretary-General, Abdallah Salem el-Badri, said the group would attempt to shore up prices by reducing production.

The British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC quoted him as saying that, “There’s a price decline. That does not mean that we should really rush and do something.

Soon after OPEC made its decision public, Brent crude fell below $72 a barrel, hitting lows recorded in August 2010.

At the parley, the 12 OPEC members maintain edproduction at 30 million barrels per day, the output that was arrived at December 2011.

“We don’t want to panic. I mean it,” said Mr. el-Badri. “We want to see the market, how the market behaves, because the decline of the price does not reflect a fundamental change.”

Oil prices have fallen 30 per cent since June on sluggish global demand and rising production from the United States.

The fall in the oil price has been causing concern for several members of the oil cartel, as most require a price above $80 a barrel to balance their government budgets and many need prices to be above $100 a barrel.

UNIJOS shut down indefinitely


Authorities of University of Jos yesterday shut down the institution indefinitely.

The closure followed students protest on Monday over school fees increment.

It would be recalled that the students had embarked on a peaceful protest to demand a reduction in school fees and developmental levies. But yesterday the protest turned violent as they blocked the major highway preventing motorists from passing through the Bauchi Road campus of the institution.

A statement signed by the university registrar, Mr. Jilli Dandam, and made available to newsmen in Jos yesterday said that the action was to stave off further protest and to protect lives and property in the school.

The students were also asked to vacate their halls of residence before 2pm yesterday.

The statement reads: “On Monday, November 24, the students of the University of Jos embarked on peaceful demonstration against certain issues.

“Management met and issued a release assuring the students and the university community that some of the issues raised by the students were nothing but mere rumours that had no basis. However certain steps were taken to address all the grievances including shifting the second semester examination by one week and the setting up of a committee to look into other issues.”

On Tuesday morning, the students mobilised themselves and blocked the Bauchi Road and set tyres on fire.

In order to avoid further escalation of the situation, the management met immediately and decided that the school be closed down until further notice.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Rivers CJ: Supreme Court dismisses Agumagu’s appeals

AmaechiSupreme Court yesterday dismissed the three appeals filed by suspended Chief Judge of Rivers State, Justice Peter N.C. Agumagu. He was suspended by the National Judicial Council, NJC, after he was sworn in as the Chief Judge of the State by Governor Rotimi Amaechi.
The Council said that it did not recommend Justice Agumagu to Governor Amaechi for appointment as CJ.
Justice Agumagu, who faulted his suspension, filed an application for a judicial review of the NJC’s directive.
In the appeal, he argued that the Court of Appeal was wrong in its interpretation of the provisions of the Court of Appeal Practice Direction of 2013.
While dismissing the appeal yesterday, Justice Bode Rhodes-Vivour said: “We have examined this, and the other grounds of appeal and are satisfied that the issues in the appeal are matters that can be brought to this court when the appeals are concluded.”
“Accordingly, application for a stay of proceedings of the pending appeals in the Court of Appeal is hereby struck out. Notice of appeal to this court is also struck out,” he ruled.
The apex court said that the appeals were premature.
Agumagu in the appeals had challenged the refusal of the Court of Appeal to strike out the records of proceedings compiled by the NJC
His counsel, Chief Akinlolu Olujinmi SAN, had argued that the NJC was wrong to have compiled the records of appeal within 14 days instead of the 60 days stipulated in law.
NJC’s lawyer, Chief Wole Olanipekun SAN, however, opposed the appeal, saying that Olujinmi should have waited for the Court of Appeal to decide the substantive appeal. The Supreme Court agreed with him.
Olujinmi had applied to the Supreme Court for an order to compel the Court of Appeal to stay proceedings in the appeal which was filed by the NJC challenging the refusal of the trial judge, Adeniyi Ademola, to hear the Council’s objection seeking to dismiss the case filed by Agumagu.
Justice Ademola had elected to hear the case filed by Agumagu together with the objections raised by the defendants, (the NJC and three others.)
The NJC was dissatisfied with the trial judge’s ruling and immediately appealed to the Court of Appeal. It compiled the records within 14 days to enable the Appeal Court hear the case on time.
But, Olujinmi objected, asserting that the compilation of the records did not follow due process. He argued that the law stipulated 60 days for the record to be compiled and that leave of court ought to be obtained. He further argued that the appellate appeal had no jurisdiction to hear the appeal if the records of appeal were not properly complied. His application to have the record struck out was refused by the Court of Appeal.
Justice Agumagu approached the Supreme Court and asked it to strike out the records.
In his ruling, Justice Rhodes-Vivour dismissed the appeal and ordered all the parties back to the Court of Appeal for hearing of the main appeal.
The court said that Olujinmi should have appreciated the fact that the records were completed earlier than the period stipulated by the law.
The apex court ordered the lower court to hear the appeal with dispatch. It said that anyone aggrieved by the judgment of the appellate court could then file an appeal before it.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Empress throws birthday party in Abuja

...celebrates with orphans

It was all love and fun at the Cruz Resort over the weekend in Abuja, as Nollywood diva, Empress Njamah celebrated her birthday with the less privileged. 
The event, which held under the banner of her foundation, House of Empress, had in attendance the high and mighty in Nigeria’s prestigious movie industry, Nollywood, as ace actor/producer, Fred Amata, comic act, Charles Inojie, music icon, Jaywon, Nollywood sexiest, Benson Okonkwo, all answered present.                                                                              
After a series of dance and comic strip, the celebrant of the day paid special attention to the kids from different orphanage homes in the Federal Capital Territory who graced her party.
According to Njamah, celebrating with the less privileged is an honour to her. 
“I have been celebrating with the motherless babies for over eight years, it is something I do all the time on my birthdays, I brought the kids from their different orphanage homes. 
“This is how I use my foundation to reach these kids. We take care of their every need.”  
She added that “it is something I do personally; I do not have support from the government yet. My friends contribute by attending some came all the way from Lagos to play with the kids to let them know that they are important and relevant in the society.” 
The actress said helping the less privileged was a passion she had developed over time. 
“The inspiration came from God and the love I have for children. There is just something that connects me and children; it gives me joy; I am overwhelmed seeing kids having fun. It is something I have taken upon myself to do and I am going to do until I die. It is not work; it is a form of joy for me. It is not like I am going out of my way to do it because it is something I love to do. I always do it every month and there is always something to celebrate. The kids are over 1, 300, including disabled people and widows.”   
Nollywood actor, producer, Fred Amata who was also part of the celebration said, “It gives me so much joy to see that somebody like Empress has taken it upon herself to celebrate with all these children who are motherless. I am very proud and happy to be here today to support Empress and to support these children.”
Music icon, Jaywon said, “At this time this is the best place I can stay. Empress Njamah is a big fan; I am a good friend of hers. It is not just about partying everyday it is a special day to celebrate; so it is a great privilege to be part of this.”


  • N168 to exchange for $1
  • Borrowers to pay more

In deft move to salvage the dwindling fortunes of the naira and shore up external reserves, the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN rose from its Monetary Policy Committee, MPC, meeting yesterday to announce the devaluation of the naira and hike in interest rate.
Addressing journalists in Abuja after the meeting, the CBN Governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele announced that the midpoint of the official window of the foreign exchange market has been moved  from N155/US$ to N168/US$, stressing that the MPC widened the band around the midpoint by 200 basis points from +/-3 percent to +/-5 percent.
The apex bank boss disclosed that other critical decisions taken was the increase of the Monetary Policy Rate, MPR by 100 basis points from 12 to 13 percent; increase of the Cash Reserve Ratio, CRR on private sector deposits by 500 basis points from 15 percent to 20 percent with immediate effect and retention of public sector CRR at its current level of 75 percent.
The CBN also maintained a symmetric corridor of +/- 200 basis points around the MPR, retained Public sector CRR at 75 percent, and the foreign exchange trading position at 1 percent.
It would be recalled that since 2012, the Bank has maintained a tight regime of monetary policy with the MPR and CRR mostly remaining unchanged at 12 percent.
Responding to questions from the media on the decisions taken by the MPC, he said that the current situation demands that the Bank confronts the issue of declining external reserves head-on in order to strengthen the value of the domestic currency.
According to him, “stabilising prices and maintaining exchange rate stability and charting a sustainable path for medium to long-term growth are the immediate top priorities.”
He also said that the Committee remains committed to these in order to sustain the credibility of its policies and anchor the expectations of its core stakeholders.
“In the Committee’s opinion, a more flexible naira in the face of non-existent fiscal buffers was the most viable policy option at a time of heightened demand pressure for foreign exchange and falling oil prices,” he said.
He also said that the Committee was of the view that if it failed in taking the right policy actions now, the market would force the Bank to take more drastic actions in the future with far less foreign exchange reserves.
Also, given the level of excess liquidity in the banking system, it becomes imperative for the Bank to address the sources of the foreign exchange demand pressure.
Emefiele argued that the Committee was of the opinion that the economy stands to gain by: “further tightening of monetary policy stance to anchor inflation expectations, and allowing some flexibility in the exchange rate to stem speculative activities and depletion of reserves.”
Speaking on the dwindling state of Nigerian foreign reserve, Emefiele advocated for diversification of the economy by moving from import dependent to import substitution economy in order to save the continued draining of the country’s reserves through importation of both consumer goods and industrial goods.
Already, the equity market reacted positively at yesterday’s trading, closing on a positive note, as NSE ASI appreciated by +0.71% to close at 34,115.84 basis points, compared with the -0.15% depreciation recorded previously. Its Year-to-Date (YTD) returns currently stands at -17.47%.
Also, many financial experts have reacted to the development from the CBN.


Senate shifts debate; Service Chiefs insist on emergency rule

After over eight hours brainstorming with the Service Chiefs yesterday, the Senate has shifted debate on President Goodluck Jonathan’s request for extension of emergency rule by six months in Adamawa, Borno, Yobe states till today.
This came as the military helmsmen at the parley made a strong case for the extension of the regime.
From the interaction of the spokesman of the Senate, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, with journalists after the talks, it was clear that the Upper House may make a special case for proper funding of the military, sophisticated weapons and enhanced personnel.
Already, the Senate has granted President Jonathan’s request to borrow $1billion to upgrade the equipment and weapons of the Nigerian Armed Forces.
The Chief of Defence, Air Marshal Alex Badeh, Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Kenneth Minimah, Chief of Naval Staff, Rear Admiral Usman Jibrin and the Director-General of the Directorate of State Security, DSS, Mr. Ita Ekpenyong, drew the lawmakers’ attention to the problems they encounter in confronting the insurgents.
They specifically cited inadequate troops and equipment to check the excesses of the insurgents, even as they assured Nigerians of having the capacity to deal with the situation on the long run.
The Senate agreed to discuss last Thursday’s crisis in the National Assembly when members of the House of Representatives clashed with the police in an open session today
Senator Abaribe said: “The Senate, in an executive session has spent more than eight hours with the service chiefs of the Nigerian Armed Forces. The interaction was very frank and it was very detailed. We looked into what have been the constraints of the Nigerian military in dealing with the insurgency.
“We also looked into the budgetary provision for them and we looked into what has been done so far by the military in curtailing the insurgency. And I can tell you that the Senate was very impressed with the response from the military and like I said, the military has shown to be capable of dealing with the insurgency.”
“The fact that they are capable of dealing with the insurgents means that the Senate will do all that is within its powers to support the Nigerian military so that we can bring the insurgency to a quick resolution. We also found from their briefing that we have some problems which have to do with the troop levels, with the levels of equipment and of course, all the other ancillary problems when you have to fight what we call an asymmetrical war or not a formal conflict.
“And we are very glad that the military at this moment is gearing up itself to deal with this asymmetrical conflict in the North-East of Nigeria. As of today (yesterday), we have the briefing and we can reassure Nigerians that the military is up to the task of dealing with this matter.
The question of the state of emergency, according to him, was not what was on the table yesterday, adding that they are going to wait also until it is brought to the floor of the Senate, then, “we will discuss it. What the Senate did today was to separate the two questions. Of course, the military continues to insist that they need the state of emergency to be able to conduct the operations in a manner that will lead to quick resolution.”
“When the Senate takes the question of the state of emergency, of course, you will be there because it would be discussed in the open plenary.
“The matter of the Senate and what happened last Thursday would be discussed tomorrow during the plenary. We are not going to do it by executive session” Abaribe explained. 
On whether the President will forward a fresh letter of request since the emergency rule tenure has expired, he said “we should be looking at Section 305 of the Constitution. I think what happens with the state of emergency is there in the Constitution.’’ 
On the speculation of impeachment process against Mr. President, he said “I do not comment on rumours.”
Senate President, David Mark said they didn’t attend to the crisis of police invasion of National Assembly complex yesterday because of the briefing by the Service Chiefs.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

BREAKING! 2 female Suicide Bombers Kill Scores Of People At Maiduguri Market

Report reaching GN say two female suicide bombers this morning struck at a crowded market in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital.
GN reporter in Maduguri confirmed the incident, adding that several people were killed.



Christina Applegate TV ACTRESS



Psquare Loses Dad


The talented sensational musical icons, Peter, Paul and Jude Okoye have suffered a loss. Their dad, Mr Okoye, died yesterday 24th of November.

According to a source close to the family, it was made known that the late Mr. Okoye recently had a successful knee surgery.It was also made known that it was while he was about going for physiotherapy when he just fell.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Miss Honduras shot dead 'after fleeing sister's boyfriend'

Santa Barbara (Honduras) (AFP) - Miss Honduras was fatally shot as she tried to escape her sister's jealous boyfriend, police and reports said, hours after the siblings were found dead beside a river.
police were investigating whether Trinidad's boyfriend, Plutarco Ruiz, shot Sofia Trinidad in the head after he became jealous when he saw her dancing with another man. He then reportedly shot her beauty-queen sister twice in the back as she tried to flee.Maria Jose Alvarado, 19, who had been due to fly to London to compete in the Miss World beauty pageant, disappeared with her sister Sofia Trinidad Alvarado six days ago after a party, sparking an exhaustive search.

Chief detective Leandro Osorio said the bodies of Maria Jose and her 23-year-old sister had been found buried along the banks of the Aguagual River in the town of Arada, in violence-plagued Honduras's northwest.
"We are 100 percent sure that it's them," Osorio said.
Police arrested Ruiz and his alleged accomplice on Tuesday, seizing a Colt-45 pistol and two vehicles.  - Boyfriend is main suspect -

Kate Henshaw Stuns In New Campaign Photos

Nollywood actress cum politician, Kate Henshaw, looks stunning in her new campaign pictures.

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The Cosby Show

On Monday, 66-year old Joan Tarshis accused Bill Cosby of raping her. Tarshis says the attack took place in 1969, when she was 19 and working as comedy writer:

Tarshis is the fifth woman to publicly accuse Bill Cosby of raping her. There is now a sixth: model Janice Dickinson. In a civil suit brought by Andrea Constand, some 13 women were set to testifythat Cosby had raped them too. They ultimately did not testify because Constand settled with Cosby. Tarshis says she was not among those 13, and so the total number of accusers appears to now stand at 15 including Dickinson.

Perhaps it is not fair for a journalist to consider, or even publicize, anonymous allegations of criminal activity. Even then we are left with six accusations of sexual assault: Tamara Green saysthat Cosby drugged and groped her in 1970. Beth Ferrier says that Cosby drugged and raped herin 1984. Janice Dickinson says Cosby drugged and raped her in 1982. Barbara Bowman says that Cosby drugged and raped her "multiple times" when she was 17 in 1985. And Andrea Constand says that Cosby drugged and raped her in 2004. Taken together, the public accusations span some 30 years and are remarkably similar in their detail.

Friday 21 November 2014

Obasanjo to INEC: Don’t disenfranchise Nigerians

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo yesterday asked the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, not to disenfranchise Nigerians in the 2015 general elections.
He gave the charge when he was handed his Permanent Voter’s Card by the State Resident Electoral Commissioner, REC, Mr. Sam Olumekun, at his residence in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.
Obasanjo, who was reacting to protests and complaints which trailed the just-concluded distribution of Permanent Voters Card, PVC and the Continuous Voter Registration, CVR exercises of which Ogun State was among the states shortlisted by INEC.
He said: “People have genuine complaints, and I believe there is still more time to make corrections for all to get their cards or else they will be disenfranchised,” Obasanjo said.
He said that he had been privileged because of his status, “but, the status of others should be looked into and ensured that they are also taken care of by providing their cards for them.”
The former president pledged that the card would be kept as long as it lasts, adding that, “our people should also try to keep their cards safe,” even as he restated his plea for a single national card for the purpose of elections and security.
Speaking with journalists after the meeting, Olumekun admitted that there were hitches in the exercise and promised that the commission would look into the complaints.
He said: “We are studying the hitches here and there and as the commission will soon take a decision on the matter. We have a lot of complaints, we have filed appropriate reports and we are waiting for further directive,” Olumekun said.

Olivier Giroud to return for Arsenal against Manchester United

The Frenchman, out since August, is set to return weeks ahead ofschedule.Turns out Arsenal had a trick up their sleeve for this weekend's match against Manchester United. Olivier Giroud, who wasn't meant to see the pitch until 2015 is available for Saturday's game.

The forward was last seen back in August, scoring a late goal against Everton only to break his leg minutes later. Initial projections had Giroud returning in January, but he's set to don a hero's bib and help Arsenal rise again. Or at least, to likely make an appearance off the bench.

That must be good news for Arsenal fans. The Frenchman scored 16 goals in 36 league appearances last season, knocking in an additional two in Champions League play. His side now have to face United, who actually won last time out and are sitting just a point behind Arsenal in the table. And with unbeaten Dortmund up next in the Champions League, Giroud's recovery may well have come at the perfect time.

Of course, a little help at the back would likely be beneficial as well.

NEW MUSIC VIDEO: P-Square – Shekini


Africa’s biggest singing duo – P-Square – come through with the second video to one of the singles off their recently released 6th studio album, “Double Trouble”.

“Shekini” video is an energetic pictorial which sees the artistes combine with youthful dancers to perform moves that’d bring you to life. From garages to underground scenes, the dark-themed flick definitely does justice to the song.

Nigerians to pay more for electricity from Dec

Strong indications have emerged that electricity consumers may pay more beginning from December 1, 2014, following gas price increase whose actual price at the moment is $3.30 as against the regulatory authorities’ assumption of $2.30.

A presentation yesterday by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, NERC, at the review of basic assumptions for semi-annual review of Multi Year Tariff Order (MYTO2), revealed a $1.00 difference from the assumption and the actual price of gas.

Based on the changes in some assumption parameters, such as inflation rate, exchange rate, gas price and generation capacity; there may be an upward adjustment in the tariff.

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman of NERC, Muhammad Lawal Bello, noted that even though tariff review is a very sensitive issue to the consumers, the way to go is to pay what is due in order to ensure improvement in the sector.

“From what I have seen in the initial report, not much has changed. The tariff review is a sensitive issue to the consumer who considers paying higher and not seeing improvement in electricity supply. But there is a general consensus that this is the way to go, by paying what is due this is how the power will begin to improve” he said.

NERC, in the presentation, declared that the sector is challenged with what will be the direction of such variables as inflation, foreign exchange rate in 2015, and whether generation companies and their gas suppliers guarantee increased generation under the new gas price?

In his presentation, Mr. Roland Achor, Tariff and Rates, NERC noted that the outcome of the brainstorming of the stakeholders might result in adjustment of the tariff which takes effect on December 1, 2014.

According to him, the actual price at the moment is $3.30 as against the assumption $2.30 by NERC in the MYTO methodology assumptions, adding that gas price have been regulated since the adoption of the MYTO in 2008 and the regulated prices are applied in the 2012-2016 price regime.

According him, the regulated gas price for 2014 is $1.80/mmbtu, however the ministry of Petroleum and NERC have agreed to a gas price of $2.50/mmbtu and transportation cost of $.80 effective December 2014.

Also, there is the gas price assumption of $2.30 by NERC which actual price has risen to $3.30 resulting in a difference of $1.00 which is expected to impact on the final aggregate technical commercial and collection losses (ATCC & C review which takes effect December 1, 2014.

MYTO methodology is done based general assumptions to Disco retail tariff such as inputs to the tariff, forecast of load, capacity, fuel costs, investment, levels of losses, customer numbers, )and M costs and other economic and technical data, which are all correlated to arrive at the retail tariff to the consumers.

He said the inflation rate received from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) shows a figure of 8.3 per cent as at 30th September 2014 but the inflation rate at last minor review was 7.8 even though MYTO 2 has an assumption of 13 per cent inflation rate, stressing that the effective inflation rate is now pegged at 8.3 per cent.

He explained that effective exchange rate is now N156.29 to $1.00 over the next six months, adding that the retail tariff will be based on generation of 3, 675MW throughout the period from December 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015, even though the gross capacity was estimated to be 5, 556MW.

Keshi Finally Speaks On Eagles' 2015 AFCON Failure


Chief Coach of Nigeria’s Super Eagles, Stephen Keshi has finally spoken on Nigeria’s failure to qualify for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations, AFCON, holding in Equatorial Guinea.

It was reported early on Thursday that Keshi did not appear for the post match conference on Wednesday’s night after his team were held to a 2-2 draw by South Africa’s Bafana Bafana at the Akwa Ibom International Stadium, Uyo.
Speaking moments ago, Keshi, who was reinstated to his post last month after he was relieved of his duty by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), said that a coach must take full responsibility for the result of his team.

The former coach of Togo and Mali added that he has to accept the fate that befell the Eagles under his watch. According to him, Nigeria’s inability to defend the title it won last year in South Africa means that he has failed the country.
Keshi noted that sacking of the coach after a team’s failure solve the problem, rather the football authority should look beyond the coach to find solutions to the problem.
On what was responsible for the Super Eagles inability to secure the needed win against South Africa, Keshi blamed his players for taking South Africa lightly in a match they needed to win to qualify for the tournament proper.
“May be we took South Africa for granted and we paid dearly for this,”said the coach.
Meanwhile, scorer of Nigeria’s two goals against the Bafana Bafana, Sone Aluko, said the whole team are devastated by the failure to defend the crown they won in South Africa last year.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Duchess of Alba, the world's most titled aristocrat, dies

MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's 18th Duchess of Alba, who died on Thursday aged 88, was one of Europe's wealthiest and most titled aristocrats, the owner of fabulous palaces and priceless works of art.

She died after a short illness, surrounded by family in the 14th century Palacio de Duenas in Seville, famous for its lemon-tree-filled courtyards and her favorite of her many properties.

Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y Silva, known to friends as 'Cayetana', was named by Guinness World Records as the world's most titled person.

She was 14 times a Spanish grandee, five times a duchess, once a countess-duchess, 18 times a marchioness, 18 times a countess and once a viscountess, according to the entry.

With her cloud of white hair and face moulded by plastic surgery, she was rarely out of the Spanish gossip magazines, most recently on the arm of her third husband, 24 years her junior.

Head of one of Spain's oldest aristocratic families dating back to the 1400s, and the third woman to hold the title of Duchess of Alba in her own right, her wealth is estimated at between 600 million and 3.5 billion euros.

"I don't like to talk about money. Many people confuse having cash with having assets - we've never had a lot of cash," she wrote in her autobiography.

Many of the palaces, castles and works of art belonging to the House of Alba have restrictions placed on their sale because of their historic importance for Spain.

The 13th Duchess of Alba was a muse of artist Francisco Goya in the 18th century and is rumored to be the subject of 'La Maja Desnuda', his famous portrait of a reclining nude which hangs in Madrid's Prado gallery.

The duchess tells in her autobiography of how Spanish artist Pablo Picasso asked her to pose nude to recreate the painting, but her conservative first husband forbade it.

Born in 1926 in a neoclassical palace in Madrid, she spent much of her childhood in London when her father was ambassador to Britain and where she dined with Winston Churchill and played with Princess Margaret.

Her father, an Anglophile and royalist, sided with dictator Francisco Franco at the beginning of Spain's Civil War but relations grew frosty as it became clear Franco would not reinstate a king as head of Spain.

The twice-widowed duchess first married aged 21 in 1947 to fellow aristocrat Luis Martinez de Irujo in a wedding on a scale to rival that of Britain's Princess Elizabeth later that year.

Wearing a pearl and diamond crown, she rode to Seville Cathedral in a horse-drawn carriage with thousands of well-wishers lining the streets to cheer her. The couple had six children.

She became a fixture of the international jet-set, hosting Audrey Hepburn and Jackie Kennedy on their visits to Spain and turning her Madrid palace over to French designer Yves Saint Laurent to stage a Dior fashion show in 1959.

An aficionado of bull-fighting and flamenco, she often took place of honor at bull-fights in her beloved Seville, usually sporting a magnificent 'mantilla' - the traditional Spanish lace veil worn over a high comb.

The duchess, who favored an eccentric clothing style, sporting beaded anklets and fishnet tights well into her eighties, married former Catholic priest Jesus Aguirre Ortiz de Zarate six years after the death of her first husband.

Her second husband died in 2001. Her courtship with dashing civil servant Alfonso Diez gripped the nation, aroused disapproval from Queen Sofia and was openly opposed by her six children.

Before tying the knot with 61-year-old Diez in 2011, the duchess divided her fortune between her offspring to silence their protests.

Although ill health kept her out of the public eye in later months, her most memorable recent image was when she flung off her shoes to perform an impromptu flamenco dance before a forest of cameras and well-wishers at her third wedding.

"Together we have a wonderful time. She's always asking: What shall we do next? She's unstoppable," said husband Diez in an interview in Vanity Fair magazine shortly before their marriage. "It often seems that I'm the older of the two."

(Reporting by Sonya Dowsett; Editing by Fiona Ortiz and Sonya Hepinstall)

Okocha Questions Super Eagles' Passion For Playing

The former Super Eagles star Jay-Jay Okocha, has told that the current national players need to persuade the public that they care about playing for their national team.

Okocha says that questions will be asked about the passion of Nigeria’s players following their exit from the Africa Cup of Nations.

The reigning champions failed to qualify for the Africa Cup of Nations 2015 finals after drawing 2-2 with South Africa in Uyo on Wednesday, marking a second exit before the tournament proper in three editions.

While Stephen Keshi’s future has already been called into question, Okocha believes the players have to take some of the responsibility.

“I think, to be honest, we will always produce talented players. But perhaps the question is whether they have the same passion that they used to have,” Okocha told Goal. “People are pressuring them about that, you know, because sometimes it seems as if they don’t really care much about the result.”

Wednesday’s result combined with Congo’s 1-0 win in Sudan to extinguish Nigeria’s final hopes, but Okocha said they had made it hard for themselves earlier in the campaign.

Jay-Jay Okocha

Shorts from inside NASS Yesterday

See Our so called Leaders

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Kawu Suleiman, deputy minority leader jumping the fence at the National Assembly. Credits: Premium Times

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Goodluck Jonathan WORLD LEADER

Robert F. Kennedy POLITICIAN

BREAKING UPDATE: Senate President David Mark announced an immediate closure of the National Assembly after the confusing incident.

Interestingly, Mark met Mr. Tambuwal in solidarity after the latter had accessed the building with the help of the APC lawmakers.

The House of Representatives was in session during the time of Mark’s announcement. It is not clear whether the chamber will abide by Mr. Mark’s declaration.

Tambuwal's Meeting: Mess At The National Assembly

Members of the State Security Service (SSS) took over the National Assembly ahead of the today’s House of Reps meeting aimed at discussing emergency rule extension in Yobe, Borno and Adamawa states.

The aim of the operation was to deny House speaker Aminu Tambuwal, who has recently defected from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC), access to the building, Premium Times reports with reference to Tambuwal’s spokesperson.

According to the recent update, Tambuwal managed to access the complex following a mess with the security. And shortly after that another breaking news emerged: the Senate president ordered the closure of the complex. Proceed with the story for the updates.

Imam Imam had previously told the correspondent:

“All the entrances are locked and only one gate is used and everyone is totally frisked before being allowed in‎ and only one person is allowed into the Assembly from any vehicle, others are asked to go back.”

The politician’s representative assured however that Tambuwal would anyway hold and preside over the crucial sitting

It would be recalled that President Goodluck Jonathan asked the Assembly for the third time to extend the emergency rule in the 3 statesmostly affected by Boko Haram insurgency. However the Senate did not warmly welcomed the controversial move as some senators openly opposed the extension.

On November 18 Tambuwal set to reconvene the House Of Representatives based on the provisions of the Nigerian Constitution “in order to treat the extension before the expiration of the current State of Emergency”.

The Super Eagles needed to beat South Africa in Uyo, but could only manage a draw, and paid the ultimate price

Almost two years ago, Nigeria stood triumphant on South African soil, having vanquished all comers.

It was quite the change from failing to qualify for the previous edition in Equatorial Guinea, and went completely against the grain of performances at continental level. In the grander scheme of things, that win should have marked a resurgence. It will instead look like some freakish spike in the graph; Nigeria are back at the foot of the mountain, on the outside looking in.

The game that dealt the death blow was supposed to be the most benign of fixtures: home against South Africa. No matter how low it got through the years, Nigeria could always count on a favourable outcome against the Rainbow Nation. Allied to this was that Bafana Bafana had secured qualification already, in theory there was nothing to play for.

What could possibly go wrong?

Well, everything did in Uyo.

Nigerians are a deeply superstitious people, and the outcome may forever taint what is a truly magnificent ground, at least in the mind of the population. The support could not be faulted either, it was a full house who watched on as the horror unfolded before their eyes.

Stephen Keshi made the expected alterations, all enforced: Raheem Lawal replaced Hope Akpan, stricken by injury, and Kenneth Omeruo came straight into the side for the suspended Godfrey Oboabona. The Middlesbrough man did not look at all fit, and was caught in possession for Bafana Bafana’s second.

Broadly like-for-like introductions, but the set-up was different. John Obi Mikel played as a No.10, while Ogenyi Onazi and Lawal held behind him in a 4-2-1-3, though neither is a natural holder. The Chelsea man has played increasingly advanced roles throughout the qualifiers: this was escalation at its most extreme, the most complete opposite of his club persona.

The surprise was that he did it quite well. He caused Dean Furman problems repeatedly, drawing the Bafana captain out of position and forcing him into clumsy fouls. The problem was no one was moving into the space vacated; Uche came short a couple of times, but his touch was persistently poor.
Uche | Touch found wanting

The natural solution would have been for either of Lawal or Onazi to advance, but both seemed to over-compensate for their unsuitability to their deep roles by sitting too deep, even after possession had been consolidated. The team was often broken as a result, and could not build moves cohesively.

The Super Eagles had three excellent opportunities in the first half, all of which fell to Ahmed Musa. The first from when he won the ball in the centre circle, the second after a harmless ball was allowed to run through, and the third after Mikel turned quickly in midfield and slid him in. Tellingly, none came from any sustained possession or incisive build-up.

The CSKA Moscow man failed to capitalise, but all three came from runs no one else in the team would have made. Even on a bad day, Musa is invaluable to the team.

The South Africans were not particularly impressive either defensively or going forward. Too much relied on the fearless running of Tokelo Rantie. Shakes Mashaba instructs his team to defend in two very narrow banks of four, but it is as much a trap as a weakness: by encouraging the opposing full-backs forward, his two strikers can isolate the centre-backs and run at them.

It is a risky strategy up against full-backs proficient in attack, but it was Efe Ambrose and Juwon Oshaniwa, not Cafu and Roberto Carlos, so he just about got away with it. The Ashdod left-back in particular had a poor game, slowing down attacks with poor control; the less said about Ambrose, the better.

If ever there was a time to bemoan Nigeria’s options at full-back, this was it. Elderson Echiejile twiddled his thumbs on the bench.

The opener predictably came via this route: Rantie pulled into the channel, shrugged off Lawal, sped past Azubuike Egwuekwe and finished beautifully. It was coming, the forward had wasted an opportunity earlier in the half when Omeruo gave away possession cheaply, firing over when a square pass was on.
Rantie | A Nigerian's Nightmare

After the break, Rantie and Bongani Ndulula worked a lot harder to close the ball down. Whereas the Super Eagles were able to fire the ball into Mikel to tempt out Furman in the first half, they now struggled to play the initial pass out of defence, with the two forwards blocking passes into Onazi and Lawal.

The second goal was a direct consequence, seeking to play out from the back, Omeruo was muscled off the ball by the Bournemouth striker, who went round Vincent Enyeama to complete his brace.

As in the last two games, the introduction of Sone Aluko made an impact with a brace off the bench. The Hull City man picked the perfect time to open his goal account for the Super Eagles, but it was all too late. In other circumstances, the fight-back to tie at 2-2 would be applauded, but the news that Congo had done the business in Khartoum put paid to the ambitions of the African champions.

‘African champions’. It will not be long till we can no longer call them that. At the “Nest of Champions” in Uyo, all that 25,000 eager fans went home with was rotten eggs.

Keshi has run his course as coach now, surely. Nothing is impossible when Presidents wield the prerogative of veto, but there are no grounds now. Had Amodu Shaibu taken charge of the team as initially decided, there would have hung over the team the tantalizing ‘what if?’

We had to know, and now we do.

He took over a team that had failed to qualify for the 2012 Afcon in Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, and took it to the pinnacle of the continental game in just over a year. The Big Boss’s tenure has been the perfect heroin trip, a mind-bending high, and now a low even more crushing than the one he picked the team up from in 2011.

Group Counsels Nigerian Women On Entrepreneurship

Nigerian women of the new millennium need to be involved in entrepreneurship development and contribute to the growth of Nigeria’s economy, this is according to a non-governmental organisation, Truth for Change Initiative, TCI.

Making the statement on Wednesday at a workshop for women to mark the Global Entrepreneurship week in Uyo, the Akwa Ibom state capital, was Mrs. Susan Uko-Abasi, the Project Coordinator of TCI.

According to Uko-Abasi, unemployed women were not only irritant to their husbands, but also to their neighborhood.

According to Uko-Abasi, unemployed women were not only irritant to their husbands, but also to their neighbourhood.

“We encourage more women to come into business and help their families. Women are more reliable in business.

“But a woman who is unemployed and remains as housewife is not only irritant to her husband, she is also irritant to their community,” she said.

Speaking further, Uko-Abasi asked women in business to embrace technology to enhance the growth of their businesses.

She noted that with technology the business would grow faster and risk reduced to the barest minimum.

“People should not only just chat with their phones, but should be able to use technology to promote their businesses,” Uko-Abasi said.

Commenting on what the NGO has done to contribute to the development of Nigerian women, Uko-Abasi said they had trained over 1000 women in skill acquisition and entrepreneurship since its inception in 2011.

Also speaking at the event, the Chairman, Akwa Ibom Investment Corporation, Chief Senas Ukpanah, said women generally were known to be better entrepreneurs.

Chidoka bags IRSO Award, reiterates commitment to air safety

For his contributions to road safety, the Minister of Aviation, Osita Chidoka has been recognised by the International Road Safety Organisation, IRSO with an award.
A statement made available to Nigerian pilot yesterday, said the minister seized the opportunity to call for a greater technical partnership between the ministry of aviation and the International Road Safety Organisation, IRSO.
According to the statement, “Chidoka said Road Safety is not a job, but a passion.” Adding that, “IRSO has come a long way with the Road Safety family. He also said that Federal Road Safety Commission is destined for greater outcome as it has the human resource to do so.”
Chidoka reiterated his commitment to “effective mobility and safety of passengers in the air sector in Nigeria.”
“Both air and Road Safety is very critical and so partnership with IRSO which will bring about safety is imperative,” he said.
The statement said Chidoka will do everything possible for the aviation sector to push through the ideals of safety in the aviation sector.
Earlier in his statement, the President, International Road Safety Organisation, Joop Goos, said “the award was to appreciate the minister of Aviation for his great strides as Head, Federal Road Safety Commission and President Africa Road Safety Organisation where he recorded great achievements.”
Goos said the impact Chidoka left in FRSC was unprecedented and hopes he will replicate and even do more in the aviation sector.